

Adding Documents to Consumer Record Using Documents on File

Adding Documents to Consumer Record Using Documents on File

You can add file types such as Word, Excel, PDF, or even image files to Case Manager.

There are two paths to access Documents on file:

  1. From the Menu, select Vdoc where you can search for documents from any consumer.
menu vdoc

2. From a Consumer record, select Documents on File to view documents specific to that consumer.

documents on file icon

New documents can be added either from Vdoc or the Consumer page.  However, if you add the document from the Consumer page, you won’t need to select the consumer for the record.  Other than the name of the consumer, adding a document from either location is the same.

Adding new documents

  1. From the Menu select Vdoc.
  2. Select +New.
  3. Using the Consumer drop-down, select the consumer. consumer drop down
  4. Using the Document Type drop-down, select the type of document you are adding.  You can add new document types by selecting the + icon. document type
  5. Enter an optional Subject and/or Description of the file. subject and description
  6. Today’s date defaults into Received On and you can change the date if necessary.  Use Reviewed On to denote the date the document should be reviewed/renewed.  You can use the Documents on File for Consumers by Next Review Date report to list which consumers/documents require review during the date range selected.  For a listing of documents by consumer, use the Documents on File for Consumers report. documents on file dates
  7. Select the document icon to open the search tool. Or you can choose to drag and drop the file. document icon
  8. Navigate to the file to upload.  Select the file and click Open. open file
  9. Click Save & Close.
  10. To view the document, while working from VDoc, navigate to the document and select the paper icon.
  11. The document icon displays in the lower-left of the page.  Select to open/view the document. open or view document

You can also view and upload documents from the consumer’s page by selecting Documents on File from the consumer’s toolbar.  Only documents related to that person display.

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