

Assigning a Caseload to Agency Staff

Assigning a Caseload to Agency Staff

When an agency staff member logs in to Case Manager, if they have an assigned caseload, the consumers will display on their “My Page” under the Consumer Quick View section. Follow the steps below to create a caseload.
  1. From the Menu, select Consumers.
  2. Click Search on the button bar at the top of the page to find the consumer.
  3. Click the pencil to the left of the first consumer that should appear in this provider’s caseload.
  4. Click the Life Plan icon.
  5. Scroll to Life Plan Support Network and click +(Add).  life plan support network
  6. Using the Person drop-down, select the provider and Role that person fulfills for the consumer.
  7. Complete other optional information as required.
  8. The consumer should display on the Staff Member’s “My Profile” page.

caseload my page

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