

Job/Activity Number is not in the list of active jobs for the Payroll Branch

Job/Activity Number is not in the list of active jobs for the Payroll Branch

Entire error message: “The Job/Activity number you have entered is not in the list of active jobs and activities for the selected Payroll Branch.  Please pick a number which is in the list.  (Use the ‘Show Lookup’ button if you do not remember the number.)”


The job is not in the same branch as the employee or that particular job number does not exist.

  1. Check the Show Lookup button located on the right side of the screen to find the correct job number.   a. If the job is not there, navigate to the Job/Activity Setup screen to see which branch the job is in.   b. Use the ‘Copy to Branch’ option located on the right side of the screen to copy that job to the correct branch.
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