Screen Connect: Can no longer load Control website after updating Chrome
Instead of loading, Chrome displays the following message:
This site can’t be reached is currently unreachable Try: Checking the connection Checking the proxy and the firewall ERR_SSL_VERSION_INTERFERENCE
Users will only encounter this issue if:
1. The ConnectWise Control server is being hosted on Linux, and
2. The ConnectWise Control website is running under HTTPS
The reason that this occurs is that Chrome has added a new TLS 1.3 flag that sets the TLS 1.3 variant used. Because the version of Mono that ConnectWise Control relies upon only supports TLS 1.0, Chrome blocks the loading of the site. Versions Affected N/A
Use a browser other than Chrome or Firefox (e.g. IE, Opera, etc.)
Alternatively, open a new tab in Chrome and navigate to chrome://flags/#tls13-variant and change the TLS 1.3 flag’s setting from “Default” to “Disabled.” Then click the “Relaunch Now” button in the lower-right corner of the page.