

Working with Agency Status in Case Manager

Working with Agency Status in Case Manager

The first Agency Status record is created for you when you add a consumer.  Should a consumer go on a medical or other leave, or permanently leave your agency, an additional status record reflecting that status should be added.  Do not change the existing status record.  You must always add a new status record to reflect the change. 

Adding an Agency Status

(Agency Status is found on the consumer’s Personal Information page).

  1. Select the + in the Agency Status section agency status
  2. Enter the date the status change became Active On.
  3. Enter an optional Note.
  4. Select the Status and a Reason for the status change. (To create a new Status or Status Reason value, click the green +)
  5. Select Save & Close agency status record
You can use the Consumer Intakes and Terminations Report to display and analyze Agency Status data.  
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