

Working with the Consumer My Profile Page in Case Manager

Working with the Consumer My Profile Page in Case Manager

The My Profile page is essentially the “home” page for a Consumer. When you are on any page in a Consumer’s record, the My Profile icon will display in the icon bar:

consumer my profile icons

The My Profile page looks like the image below:

consumer my profile page

Click + to add information to sections like What Works for Me and What Does Not Work For Me.  Because each person you serve is so unique, each person has his or her own entries.  You are not creating a master-list from which to choose. 

The person’s Calendar displays on the lower-left of the page. 

My Interactions displays the most recent case notes, progress records or supports provided to the person.  To add or modify case notes, progress records, or supports, use Documentation Review or Service Entry.

My Objectives provides a quick look at what the person is working towards and the most recent rating entered.  To add or modify an objective, select Life Plan from the consumer’s toolbar.

My Diagnosis displays the person’s ICD-10 Codes.  You can enter new diagnosis codes for the person here or from Health Record icon on the Toolbar.

My Programs displays the programs for which the person is currently enrolled.  Each person should be enrolled in at least one program.

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