

CPM – Unknown database error “Your user name and password are not defined”.

CPM – Unknown database error “Your user name and password are not defined”.

Entire error message: “Unknown database.  Your user name and password are not defined.  Ask you database administrator to set up an InterBase/ Rehab Management login.  Alias: consumer.” 


Typically,  the wrong user name or password has been typed in while logging in to the database. 

  1. Login as an Administrator user or ask the administrator user to login
  2. From the Tools Menu, select| Administrator | Profiles | User Management
  3. Login as SYSDBA
  4. Check the Username to make sure it is correct.
  5. Highlight the user and Click Edit
  6. Update the Password and Confirm
  7. If user is not listed then Click Add
  8. Add user and username and password
  9. Click Close to save.



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