

Vocational Time Manager – Hiding fields from Users in Time Entry and Review

Vocational Time Manager – Hiding fields from Users in Time Entry and Review

Suppressing Fields On Full-Sized (non-tablet) Pages  There are three different screens where the time record’s fields are visible and editable: on new time records, in the modal time record editor and in the non-modal time record editor. Each of these areas uses a specific CSS file to dictate its layout. As a result, to completely suppress the control, all three CSS files must be changed. However, keep in mind that this offers some flexibility to the agency. For example, overtime can be suppressed on new records and in the modal editor, but left visible in the non-modal editor. As a result, users could still mark records as overtime, but only by using the non-modal editing environment – this isolates the option in a specific editing environment where it is less-likely to be a problem. CSS Values For Suppressing Fields To suppress a field using CSS, you add a statement to the specified agency CSS field to indicate that the field should not be displayed. Each field requires a specific statement and each CSS file can contain multiple statements. Suppress The Department Field: #departmentContainer { display: none; } Suppress The Provider Field: #provider { display: none; } label[for=provider] { display: none; } Suppress The Overtime Field: #overTimeContainer { display: none; } Suppress The Notes Area: #notePanel { display: none; } Suppress The Now Link: a[title=’Set start time to current time’]{ display:none; } a[title=’Set stop time to current time’]{ display:none; } Any or all of these statements can be added to the CSS file as needed, in any order. For example, to hide the Department and Overtime Controls, you would add both statements to the CSS file, resulting in: #departmentContainer { display: none; } #overTimeContainer { display: none; } For department on the tablet: c:inetpubwwwrootVertexIntuitionContentAgencyContentstyleAgency_Tablet: #department-dropdown { display: none; } Changing The Agency CSS Files On the server where the Intuition files are stored, navigate to the AgencyContentstyle folder. This will often be at c:wwwrootVertexIntuitionContentAgencyContentstyle Find the CSS file that pertains to the screen on which you want to suppress a field or fields: Right Click on the file and click on Properties | Security – update for Users to edit file. To suppress fields on the New Time Record screen: Agency_VocationalTime_Insert.css To suppress fields on the Modal (pop-up) Time Record Editor screen: Agency_VocationalTime_List.css To suppress fields on the Non-Modal Time Record Editor screen: Agency_VocationalTime_Update.css Open the file using Notepad. The file will most likely be blank. Add the appropriate statement(s) from the section above. Note: Each statement has been added to this article as a comment for easy copy and paste. Save the file and close it. Repeat steps 2-5 as needed to add field suppression to other agency CSS files. For the changes to take effect, each user will have to log out of Intuition and close their browser, then restart and re-login. If the changes do not take effect, users may have to clear their browser cache. CSS Agency CSS TU CSS  
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