Maximize Vertex’s Billing Manager Module by Following These Steps

IDD agencies face daily billing tasks that can be a major source of headaches. With Vertex Billing Manager, however, service providers have access to robust solutions that can streamline the billing process and save countless hours for your IDD organization. The tool integrates with Vertex Vocational Time for payout and Vertex Case Manager for time entry; you’ll enjoy peace of mind knowing that data issues are prevented and easily corrected before they result in billing errors. In this blog, we’ll show you how to maximize the power of Vertex Billing Manager with a few simple steps and ensure your agency’s operations run smoothly.

Billing Manager by Vertex is Designed to Boost Billing Efficiency and Cut Costs 

Vertex’s Billing Manager module is designed to streamline the billing process for IDD agencies. This means eliminating tedious billing processing that slows operations and hinders care delivery. Using the documentation provided by DSPs, our billing software module automatically creates an invoice while tracking all billing-related information and authorization amounts. 

Our billing solution provides daily feedback that compares services delivered to services authorized, helping IDD agencies decide where more or less resources are needed when delivering care to individuals. As a result, organizations realize more significant cost savings by cutting unnecessary spending and making more informed decisions regarding their budgets. Vertex Billing Manager is used in several states, including North Carolina, Arizona, Indiana, Pennsylvania, and others. Our Development Team keeps pace with all changes in your state’s billing regulations and has a short turnaround time for implementing changes. Can your current billing software provider say the same?

The Steps to Using Vertex’s Billing Software Module

Vertex Billing Manager saves countless hours in your IDD agency’s billing cycle. When used with Vertex Vocational Time and Vertex Case Manager for time entry, you’ll find that most data issues are prevented and can be easily corrected before the service records make their way to billing. Typically, you’ll only need to follow the below steps to complete your billing: 

1. Check for Unsigned or Unmatched Records

View the Awaiting Approval or Signing count in the Attention Needed: Documentation section from the Intuition by Vertex Desktop. Only records that have been signed and approved are billable.

2. Create the Billing Batch

Select the funder to bill or all funders if you’d like. Enter a start and stop date for the billing range, and optionally select which services (or all services) you’d like to include in this billing run.

3. Confirm Consumer Records

There are two ways you can verify what’s included in the batch:

  1. Click the batch description to view the consumers included in the batch. 
  2. Click “View Edit Report” to print a copy of what is included in the batch.

4. Create Your Invoice

When the batch contents are confirmed, users can click “Create Invoice” from the Batch screen. If your funder accepts electronic 837 files, the file will automatically be transported to the funder. In cases where you need to submit a paper invoice, you can print a nicely formatted invoice to submit to your vendor. Now, billing is complete!

Onboarding with Billing Manager by Vertex

The time it takes to implement Vertex Billing Manager depends on several factors:

  • How many funding sources do you bill?
  • How many distinct billing codes do you bill?
  • How many consumers do you serve?

Vertex Professional Services will assist with the initial setup. You’ll provide us a list of funders and billing codes; we’ll configure Vertex Billing Manager to bill for these correctly. We’ll assist with imports of your consumer demographic and authorization information, saving you time.  

We can move as fast as you need and often have Vertex Billing Manager up and running within a month.

Working with a Company That Specifically Caters to IDD Organizations

Vertex has only worked with agencies in the IDD industry for over 40 years. What started as a 14c payroll application has blossomed into an industry-leading billing, case management, EVV, and accounting software provider. Our applications have been nurtured over the years from input from customers who know what they need and how it should work. 

We are proud to have several long-time employees who have seen the organization and our product offerings grow. Most of our employees have been with the organization for at least seven years, and one has recently celebrated 18 years. This longevity helps us know our customers, and you’ll know us.

Moreover, our products are fully integrated. Entering a single time record once can be used for the following:

  • Paying consumers and employees for their work.
  • Track service time for billing
  • Record progress against outcomes/objectives
  • Produce period summary reports for your funders

Contact Vertex to Learn More About Our Billing Software for IDD Agencies

The Vertex suite of modules has been implemented in hundreds of agencies, large and small. We know you and what you do. Our Professional Support team can help you with questions or issues as they arise. We are committed to making each of our users feel like they are a part of the Vertex family. 

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