Navigating Case Manager: How to Enter Objectives & Create Outcomes

Vertex Systems provides resources for IDD agencies to leverage their case management software to the fullest extent possible. One of the essential features of Vertex’s case management software is the ability to create outcomes and objectives. This feature is crucial in providing a streamlined process for case managers to manage clients’ progress and ensure that their needs are met. Here, we’ll discuss how to navigate Case Manager’s Life Plan in Vertex Manager successfully. 

Entering Outcomes & Objectives in Service Plans or ISPs

The first step in creating a service plan is to navigate to the toolbar and select Life Plan. From there, click the plus sign to create a plan for your client. Enter identifying information, such as the year and the time of the plan for your client, then add a start and end date for the client’s plan. D The periodic summary feature allows users to schedule reviews accordingly. Case management will then create these reviews to keep track of the client’s progress.

Creating Outcomes in Case Manager

Outcomes and objectives are customizable in that field names can be changed and reorganized on the page. To create a new outcome, click the “new” button in the client profile. Enter information such as the date the outcome becomes active and the date it should be completed, then provide a short name for the outcome. Enter “1” under sequence to represent the first outcome, followed by a description, a strategy to achieve it, and the client’s past experience. Once the data entry is complete, return to the plan window and review the input.

Adding the Objective to the Outcome

The next step is to add the objective to the outcome. To do this:

  1. Select the “new” button to the right of “objectives” in the plan window.
  2. State what type of objective it is – behavior, work-related, or a combination of both.
  3. Select a measurement scale, which is predefined in case management.

Users can create new measurement scales, such as selecting prompts and inserting initial measurements. When the data entry is complete, save and review your work. If a participant has discontinued working on an objective, you can edit the data and enter the “inactive on” date to show when they stopped working on an objective.

Creating a New Plan Period

To create a new plan period, ensure that you enter an “inactive on” date for the existing plan, stopping it from allowing the progress to be recorded against the objectives. New service plans, outcomes, and objectives should be created for each new plan period. Use the “Copy Plan” feature to copy the current plan for the upcoming period. Make modifications, such as selecting a new year and updating the plan. Once the modifications are saved and closed on the plan, an exact copy is made. However, the new plan will be available on its active date.

Contact Vertex Systems for Help Navigating Our Case Management Software

Implementing our Case Manager IDD software is easy with our support and we are happy to help with any questions or concerns you may have. Contact your internal Vertex administrator for copies of Case Management Release Notes v8.3.8 containing step-by-step instructions for the new features and view the Vertex Case Management user Guide v8.3.8, containing step-by-step instructions for the entire application. 

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