Click here to download a guideline and handbook for Year End tax processing.


Creating a New Vendor Card Manually


For further help on any given field, select the field and click on the
Help icon in the upper right corner or F1.

  1. On the Role Center, choose Vendors to open the list of existing vendor cards.
  2. On the Home tab, in the New group, choose New.
  3. If the No. field is system generated, tab from the field and the number will be assigned. Else, If No. is to be manually assigned, enter the unique vendor number.
  4. Fill in the General FastTab as required.
  5. Name, address, contact information.
  6. Search Name. Optional search name than the one entered in the Name field.
  7. Purchaser Code. Optional. Select the name of the purchaser responsible for this account.
  8. Responsibility Center. Optional. Select the responsibly center responsible for this account.
  9. The Blocked field indicates if payments to the vendor or all vendor transactions should be blocked from allowing users to process transactions. Leave this field blank if all transactions should be allowed.
  10. Fill in the Communications FastTab as required.
  11. Fill in the Invoicing FastTab as required.
  12. Vendor No. The vendor is the vendor location to which payments are sent. This may be different from the vendor location that ships product orders (the buy-from vendor). If the vendor is different from the buy-from vendor, set up the vendor as a separate vendor card and then reference the vendor in the Vendor No. field.
  13. Check the box for Tax Liable if you are required to pay sales tax to the vendor.
  14. Select a Tax Area Code for the appropriate sales tax to be paid. The tax area is a groups of tax jurisdictions.
    When a purchase is taxable the system uses the tax area and the tax group (set on the purchase order or AP invoice lines) to determine the correct tax rate. This information can be changed on purchase orders and purchase invoices.
  15. If applicable, in the Gen. Bus. Posting Group, select the correct code. The general business posting group is used in conjunction with the general product posting group to determine the correct accounts for sales, cost of goods sold, and inventory adjustments.
  16. The VAT Bus. Posting Group/ TAX Bus. Posting Group is not used.
  17. The Vendor Posting Group is required as this posting group drives the transaction to the trade payables general ledger number.
  18. Invoice Disc. Coderequires a separate set up before first use. The codes define discounts a vendor gives based on purchase dollars or quantities.
  19. Prices Including VATcheck box is not used. Leave it blank.
  20. Allocation Coderequires a separate set up. Allocation codes allow for certain transactions to allocate to multiple areas. For example, electrical bills that need to go to various departments housed in one building.
  21. Prepayment % requires a separate set up.
  22. Fill in the Payments FastTab as required.
  23. Application Method field determines how to apply payments. If payments to this vendor should be applied to the oldest invoice for this vendor, select Apply to Oldest. If you want select invoices for payment at the time of printing checks, select Manual.
  24. Enter the Payment Terms Code. If terms are not listed, set up needed terms. Terms can be changed at time of purchase order or invoice.
  25. Priority is used as part of the process for selecting invoices for payment. Invoices from vendors with a number 1 priority are paid first. In the Priority field, type a priority level for this vendor.
  26. Cash Flow Payment Terms Code. Optional. Select the terms to be used in calculating cash flow.
  27. IRS 1099 Code. If the vendor is IRS 1099 Code eligible, select the appropriate code from the pull down list.
  28. Federal ID No. Required if the vendor is 1099 eligible.
  29. Tax Identification Type. Enter the correct type for this vendor.
  30. TAX Registration No /VAT Registration No. is not used. Leave it blank.
  31. RFC No. is not used for domestic vendors.
  32. CURP No. is not used for domestic vendors.
  33. State Inscription field is for the vendor’s state tax ID number. This is an optional field.
  34. Our Account No. field. Optional. Enter your companies account number for this vendor.
  35. Block Payment Tolerance.Check the box if you want to block payment tolerances for this vendor. Applicable only if payment tolerances are utilized for your company.
  36. Fill in the Receiving tab as required.
  37. In the Location Code, if applicable, enter the location this vendor normally ships to. Can be changed at time of purchase order or invoice entry.
  38. In the Shipping Method Code, if applicable, select the code most often used for this vendor. Can be changed at time of purchase order or invoice entry.
  39. In the Shipping Agent Code, if applicable, select the code most often used for this vendor. Can be changed at time of purchase order or invoice entry.
  40. In the Lead Time Calculations field, if applicable enter the number of days lead time this vendor requires.
  41. In the Base Calendar Code is used in conjunction with the shipping agent.
  42. Fill in the Foreign Trade tag as required.


Creating a New Vendor Card Using a Template


Creating a Vendor Template


Templates can be set up to aid in auto-filling repetitious field that are common to all vendors or types of vendors.
Templates can also ensure the certain fields are filled in correctly or made mandatory. The user must be taught how and when to use the template. There is no system prompt for reminding the user.

  1. In the Search box, enter Configuration Templates, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the Home tab, choose New.
  3. Complete the Header
  4. Code. Enter a unique code.
  5. Description. Give a description that would let the user know in what circumstance to apply this code.
  6. Table ID for vendors is 23.

  7. Complete the lines
  8. Type. In most cases will be Field
  9. Field Name. Double click on the line to bring up a list to choose from. Select the field name you want to include.
  10. Field Captionwill auto populate.
  11. Template Codewill be used only when the Type is set to template.
  12. Default value. If you want the same information to be entered in this field every time the template is applied, enter a default value. The user may change this at time of actual vendor set up. Can be used for most common set up.
  13. Skip Relation Check. Leave the box blank so the system checks entered values against related tables.
  14. Mandatory. Check the box if you want this field to be mandatory when entering new customers.
  15. Reference. This is a free form field to add more narrative to the line set up.


Applying a Template When Setting Up a New Vendor


  1. In the Search box, enter Vendors, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the Home tab, choose New.
  3. Leave the No. field empty to automatically insert a number or if the system set up is to manually enter, enter a number.
  4. On the Home tab, in the Process group, choose Apply Template.
  5. In the Config. Template List window, select a template and then choose the OK button. Template data will automatically be filled in. Complete the remaining necessary card fields.



Accounts payable distribution can be used to automatically allocate invoice expenses to multiple combinations of general ledger accounts and dimensions. Expenses can beallocated basedon percentage, squarefeet, employee, or other allotment. The same accounts payable distribution code can be assigned to an unlimited number of vendors.

If your purchase order lines use general ledger account numbers (not items or resources), you can also use Accounts Payable distribution.The lines must be distributed before you post the receipt.

In the current version of Navision there is no path to the allocation setup except through a vendor card. You do not have to assign the code to a vendor (although you could).

Allocation Codes


  1. In the Search  box, enter Vendors , and then choose the related link.
  2. On the Home  tab, in the Manage  group, choose Edit .
  3. On the Invoicing  FastTab use the pull down arrow in the
    Allocation Code  field and select New .
  4. In the Allocation Setup window define the following
  5. In the Code  field give the allocation a unique name. Try to be as descriptive as possible.
  6. In the Description  field further describe what the allocation is for.
  7. In the Allocation Type  field use the pull down arrow and select the appropriate selection.
  8. In the Quantity to Allocate  field enter 100.00 .
  9. On the Invoicing  FastTab use the pull down arrow in the Allocation Code  field and select Advanced  as shown below.

  10. On the Allocation Setup  window, in the Home  tab choose Lines action in the Process  group, as shown below:

  11. In the GL Account No.  field enter the account number that will be charged when this allocation is used.
  12. In the Global Dimension 1  field (which will appear as the name of your companies Global Dimension 1) enter the appropriate code.
  13. In the Global Dimension 2  field (which will appear as the name of your companies Global Dimension 2) enter the appropriate code.
  14. In the Debit Allocation Quantity  field enter the percentage of the allocation that should be applied for that line. The Debit Allocation %  field will auto fill based on the information entered in this field.
    Note: You cannot have both debit and credit allocations on the same code. If credit allocations are needed, set up another code.
  15. Repeat until 100% of the allocation has been assigned.
  16. Ok .
  17. The code can now be assigned to one or more vendors and/or used with purchase documents such as purchase orders, purchase invoices, or purchase credit memos.

Purchase orders can be used for both physical items and financial transactions. Because of this there are three posting options: receipts, invoice, or both. These options allow you to record transactions at different points in time.

Purchase quotes, blanket orders, and drop shipment orders are also available, but not discussed in this document.

This document also assumes all the necessary posting group and inventory (if applicable) set up has been completed.

Creating a Purchase Order


    • In the Search box, enter Purchase Order, and then choose the related link.
    • In the Home tab choose New in the New group.
    • On the General FastTab complete the following information.
      1. In the Purchase Invoice window, fill in the No. field. If your system set up is set to auto number, then move your cursor to the next field and the number will be assigned.
      2. In the Buy-from Vendor No. field, enter the number of the vendor. The remaining address and contact information pulls from the vendor card.
      3. In the Posting Date field, enter the date that you want to appear on the posted entries.
      4. In the Order Date field, enter the date the order was placed on. Optional.
      5. In the Document Date field, enter the date of the vendor’s original invoice. The invoice due date and the payment discount date are calculated from this date.
      6. The Quote No. field will populate only if this order was converted from a quote.
      7. In the Vendor Order No. field enter the vendor’s order number for this purchase. Optional.
      8. In the Vendor Shipment No. field enter the vendor’s shipment number for this purchase. Optional.
      9. Order Address Code.Optional. When you order items they are not always shipped from the same address on the invoice. When you set up a purchase address, invoices and credit memos, you can choose alternate address codes. The code is set up first on the vendor card.
      10. In the Purchaser Code enter the code for the person responsible for the order. Optional. Pulls from the vendor card if set up.
      11. In the Responsibility Center enter the code for the area responsible for the order. Optional. Pulls from the vendor card if set up.
      12. In the Assigned User ID field enter the code for the person responsible for the order that may or may not be different from the Purchaser Code. Optional.
      13. Allocation Code. Enter an allocation code for this order if applicable. Can be assigned on the vendor card.
    • On the first invoice line,
      1. In the Type field, select the appropriate line type.
      2. In the No. field, enter the appropriate number.
      3. In the Global Dim 1 field enter the code if applicable. (If this is the first purchase order, you will need to choose this column. The actual field name will be the name of your actual company’s global dim 1.)
      4. In the Global Dim 2 field enter the code if applicable. (If this is the first purchase order, you will need to choose this column. The actual field name will be the name of your actual company’s global dim 2.)
      5. In the Quantity field, enter the quantity to be purchased.
      6. In the Unit of Measure field, enter the appropriate code.
      7. In the Direct Unit Cost Excl. Vat field, enter the appropriate amount. Amounts should be as per unit based on the quantity and unit of measure—cost per each item.
      8. In the Tax Group Code, enter the appropriate code.
      9. The Line Amount Excl. VAT will auto calculate the line total taking Quantity multiplied by Direct Unit Cost Excl. Vat.
      10. Repeat for remaining lines.
      11. There are other columns that are optional. You can add or remove columns based on your individual needs.
  • Review the Invoicing tab. Default information listed on this tab is pulled from the Vendor card. Some information can be overridden. Fields not set up on the Vendor card can be entered at the time the purchase order is created.
  • Review the Shipping tab. Default information listed on this tab is pulled from the Vendor card. Some information can be overridden. Fields not set up on the Vendor card can be entered at the time the purchase order is created.
  • Close the document or click on the OK button in the lower right hand corner.


Releasing a Purchase Order


Releasing the purchase order shows that it is ready for the next step in the process. While it is not necessary to release the order before posting, invoice discounts and other calculations are not performed until you release the order.


Releasing a Purchase Order


  1. In the Search box, enter Purchase Invoice, and then choose the related link.
  2. Select the order you would like to release.
  3. On the Actions tab, Release group, select Release.


Reopen a Released Purchase Order


  1. In the Search box, enter Purchase Invoice, and then choose the related link.
  2. Select the order you would like to reopen.
  3. On the Actions tab, Release group, select Reopen.


Printing or Previewing a Purchase Order


  1. In the Search box, enter Purchase Invoice, and then choose the related link.
  2. Select the order you would like to print.
  3. On the Home tab, Process group, select Print.
    1. Enter the number of copies
    2. If you would like your companies address to print on the purchase order check the box for Print Company Address.
    3. Select Print to print the document or Preview to view it on your screen.


Entering Receipts against a Purchase Order


Received in Full


Note: These instructions assume the receiving and the invoicing functions are separate.


  1. In the Search box, enter Purchase Invoice, and then choose the related link.
  2. Highlight the purchase order. From the Home tab, Manage group, select Edit.
  3. Update to the Posting Date if applicable.
  4. Update the Document Date if applicable.
  5. Update any other optional header field per your company policies and procedures.
  6. Review the quantities with your paperwork to ensure the order is received in full.
  7. It is okay at this point to update unit pricing if you know about them. Otherwise, final price changes will be entered when the vendor invoice is applied.
  8. Run a Test Report if desired. On the Actions tab, Posting group, select Test Report.
  9. Post or Release the document:
    1. Post. Document posts without printed documentation. (Found on both Home and Actions tabs)
    2. Post and Print. Document posts with transaction printout. (Found on both Home and Actions tabs)
    3. Release. This marks the document as released and available for batch processing. (Found on the Home tab only)
    4. When you post you will always be given three options: Receive, Invoice, and Receive and Invoice. Select Receive. Note: These instructions assume the receiving and the invoicing functions are separate. If they are not, a vendor invoice number will be required in the header and you would choose Receive and Invoice.
  10. OK

Partial Receipt


Note: These instructions assume the receiving and the invoicing functions are separate.

  1. In the Search box, enter Purchase Invoice, and then choose the related link.
  2. Highlight the purchase order. From the Home tab, Manage group, select Edit.
  3. Update to the Posting Date if applicable.
  4. Update the Document Date if applicable.
  5. Update any other optional header field per your company policies and procedures.
  6. In the Qty. to Receive column for the line you are working with, update the number to the actual number received.
  7. It is okay at this point to update unit pricing if you know about them. Otherwise, final price changes will be entered when the vendor invoice is applied.
  8. Run a Test Report if desired. On the Actions tab, Posting group, select Test Report.
  9. Post or Release the document
    1. Post. Document posts without printed documentation. (Found on both Home and Actions tabs)
    2. Post and Print. Document posts with transaction printout. (Found on both Home and Actions tabs)
    3. Release. This marks the document as released and available for batch processing. (Found on the Home tab only)
    4. When you post you will always be given three options: Receive, Invoice, and Receive and Invoice. Select Receive. Note: These instructions assume the receiving and the invoicing functions are separate. If they are not, a vendor invoice number will be required in the header and you would choose Receive and Invoice.


Processing an Invoice against a Purchase Order


Note: These instructions assume the receiving and the invoicing functions are separate.


  1. In the Search box, enter Purchase Invoice, and then choose the related link.
  2. Highlight the purchase order. From the Home tab, Manage group, select Edit.
  3. Update to the Posting Date if applicable.
  4. Update the Document Date if applicable.
  5. Enter the Vendor Invoice No. This number must be unique to this vendor. Duplicates will not be allowed.
  6. On the document lines, review the Qty. to Invoice column. If the line has been fully received no further action is required for the quantity. If there was a partial receipt, update this column with the quantity to invoice per the vendor invoice you are processing.
  7. On the document lines, review the Direct Unit Cost Excl. VAT column. Update any pricing required. Your company may have policies and procedures surrounding the change of pricing. Please see your Accounting Department with any questions you may have.
  8. Run a Test Report if desired. On the Actions tab, Posting group, select Test Report.
  9. Post or Release the document
    1. Post. Document posts without printed documentation. (Found on both Home and Actions tabs)
    2. Post and Print. Document posts with transaction printout. (Found on both Home and Actions tabs)
    3. Release. This marks the document as released and available for batch processing. (Found on the Home tab only)
    4. When you post you will always be given three options: Receive, Invoice, and Receive and Invoice. Select Invoice. Note: These instructions assume the receiving and the invoicing functions are separate. If they are not, a vendor invoice number will be required in the header and you would choose Receive and Invoice.


Purchase Credit Memos


  1. In the Search box, enter Purchase Credit Memos, and then choose the related link.
  2. In the Purchase Credit Memos window, on the Home tab, in the New group, choose New.
  3. On the Purchase Credit Memo Card, fill in the No. field. In the Buy-from Vendor No. field, enter the number of the vendor to whom you returned the items.
  4. If you want to post the credit memo to a different vendor than the one specified on the General FastTab, enter the number of that vendor in the Pay-to Vendor No. field on the Invoicing FastTab.
  5. In the Posting Date field, enter the posting date.
  6. If the purchase credit memo will be applied to an invoice that has already been posted, fill in theApplies-to Doc. Type field and the Applies-to Doc. No. field on the Application FastTab.
  7. On the credit memo lines, enter information about the items that you have returned. You can either fill in the lines manually, or, if you want to copy information from other documents, you have two options for filling in the lines automatically:
    • You can use the Copy Document batch job to copy an existing document to the credit memo. Use this function to copy the entire document. It can be either a posted document or a document that is not yet posted. This function only reverses costs exactly when exact cost reversing is set up as mandatory in the purchases and payables setup.
    • You can use the Get Posted Document Lines to Reverse function to copy one or more posted document lines from one or more posted documents to the new credit memo document. This function’s purpose is to allow you to exactly reverse the costs from the posted document line. This function always exactly reverses the costs from the posted document line, regardless of whether exact cost reversing is set up as required in the purchases and payables setup. 
    • When you use either of these functions, and, in the case of the Copy Document batch job, when you have also set up exact cost reversing as mandatory in the purchases and payables setup, the original item ledger entries in the Appl.-to Item Entry field are linked to ensure that the costs are copied from the original posted document.
    • If the line has item tracking, Microsoft Dynamics NAV cannot provide exact cost reversing, because the reservation is not available from the purchase credit memo document. You can use the purchase return order for exact cost reversing of an item-tracked line.
  1. If the credit memo will be applied to a specific posted invoice, you can open that invoice in the Posted Purchase Invoices window.
  2. Post as required. 


Processing a Vendor Credit Memo against a Purchase Credit Memo


The steps are the same as Processing an Invoice against a Purchase Order.


Closing Open Purchase Order


After a while you may find there are open purchase orders that are lingering out there and you want to clean them up. If the receiving and invoicing functions are separate, it is a good idea for users from both areas to be involved. Verify that all transactions needed have been recorded against the open purchase order—all receipts have been processed and all invoices have been processed. If this is the case, delete the open purchase order. This does not delete the recorded receipts and invoices against the purchase order; it simply removes the purchase order from the open list so no further transactions can be processed against it.



Modifications to the standard Microsoft Dynamics NAV Assembly Order General tab have been made including the fields referenced below.


Assembly Order


  1. On the General FastTab
  2. Job Reference No
  3. T.E. Start Date
  4. T.E. Stop Date
  5. Closed
  6. Order ID


Job Reference Number:

The Job Reference No. is tied to the Job in Vertex Client Payroll Manager®. If the Job Reference has been defined on the item card that value will default here. If not, it can be entered using the lookup.

T.E. Start Date:

This is the first date that time can be entered for the job in Vertex Client Payroll Manager®. This is a required field.

T.E. Stop Date:

This is the last date that time can be entered for in Vertex Client Payroll Manager®. It is not a required field.


Indicates that no more entries can be entered on the assembly order.

Order ID:

This number is furnished by Vertex Client Payroll Manager® and cannot be edited.


Assume an Assembly Order relating to item FWABW001 for 450 quantities is to be created at location INVENTORY. It could be assumed that the order is to be processed during 01/25/2018 to 01/31/2018.

Defining the Job and Job Steps

The Jobs and the Job Steps would be defined in Vertex Client Payroll Manager (CPM). For guidance in creating Jobs and Job Steps in Vertex CPM please refer the Help. Listed below

Job Definition


Job Step Definition

Synchronizing the Jobs to MS Dynamics NAV

Prior to creating Assembly Orders in MS Dynamics NAV for any newly created or modified Jobs in Vertex CPM the Jobs need to be synchronized on to MS Dynamics NAV. The synchronization is set to take place at defined interval however if the user requires to carry out a force synchronization navigate to the Integration Setup button located in the ribbon of the home screen. Subsequently go on to the Navigate tab and click on Send Job Reference from CP.

Job References

Once the Job and Steps synchronize to MS Dynamics NAV they would be listed under Job Reference. The user could navigate to this list by either clicking on the link on the home screen menu or by navigating as Departments > Warehouse > Assembly > Setup.

Use the Show Job Reference button to view the Step details.

The user requires to fill in the Resource No. The user has the option of assigning individual resources to each step or assigning a single generic resource number to all steps. The resource assigned should have the Default Res. Usage Type as “Estimate”.

Defining the Assembly Bill of Material

The Assembly Bill of Material is accessed through the Item Card. On the Item Card select the Navigate tab and click on the Assembly button and select Assembly BOM as shown below.

This would open the Assembly BOM. When entering components select the Type as Item, select the No. and enter the Quantity per.

Note: The resources / steps required to assemble the item need not be entered manually on the Assembly BOM. They would be automatically inserted on to the Assembly BOM when the Job Reference is attached to the finished good item using the Item Card.


Attaching the Job Reference to the item on the Item Card

Navigate on to the Replenishment tab of the finished good Item Card. Insert the relevant job reference in the Job Reference No. field and place a check mark on Keep Asm BOM in Sync w/Job Ref. This would automatically add the resources / steps from the job reference on to the assembly bill of material and keep the resources in sync with the job reference.

Retaining the Bid Cost

There may be a requirement to retain the Bid Cost to compare the assembly job against the initial bid. To perform this action navigate from the assembly bill of material as shown below.

On the subsequent window enter the Archive Date and the Description. This would retain a copy of the assembly bill of material as the Bid Cost

To view detailed lines of the archived assembly bill of material navigate as shown below.

This would display the lines of the archived assembly bill of material with the costs as of the archived date.

Assembly Order Processing

To create a new Assembly Order go to the list of assembly orders by navigating as Departments > Warehouse > Planning & Execution > Assembly Orders and then click the New button listed on the ribbon.

The above action would open a new Assembly Order.

Fill in the information on the header.

No. – Automatically populated based on a number series.

Item No. – The item number of the finished good to be assembled.

Description – Automatically populated with the “Description” defined in the item card. 

Job Reference No. – Automatically populated if attached to the item on the item card. If the Job Reference No. is not attached in the item card the user would have to select the relevant job reference.

T.E. Start Date – The earliest date on which time entry could begin via Client Payroll Manager.

T.E Close Date – The final date on which time entry could be recorded via Client Payroll Manager

Quantity – The total order quantity that is to be assembled.

Quantity to Assemble  – The quatity to be assembled at a single production run. The field is used to record the assembled quantity to be posted to the system.

Customer No. – Automatically populated if the item has been tagged with a customer in the item card. If the item has not been linked to a customer the user has the option of seleting a customer for the order.

Unit of Measure Code – Automatically populated based on the item card.

Posting Date – The system would use the poting date when transactions are posted through the assembly order.

Due Date– The date by which the order has to be completed

Starting Date – This field could be used by the user to indicate a starting date for the asssembly order. This is not a mandatory field.

Ending Date – This field could be used by the user to indicate an ending date for the asssembly order. This is not a mandatory field.

Customer PO No. – This field could be used to record the Customer PO no. if the order is being assembled to a specific customer PO.

Closed  – When assembly oders are completed they could be marked as closed using this field.

Order ID – When an assembly order is synchronized with Client Payroll Manager an Order ID would be assigned by Client Payroll Manager and that ID would be displayed in this field.

 Location Code – The location in which assembly would be performed.

Once the information on the header is complete it is important to note that no information is required to be entered in the Lines section. The Lines section is automatically created by the system.

The assembly order contains two sections of lines.

The Estimate section shows the estimated resource and component usage for the total order quantity based on the pre-defined assembly bill of material. The estimated cost for the assembly order would be derived from this section.

The Usage section is used to record the actual usage of components and labor on the assembly order. Note that the Usage section does not display any resources at the inception. This is because the labor usage is directly posted from Client Payroll Manager on to the assembly order. Furthermore the user does not have to enter consumption quantities on to the individual lines. When the user enters the Quantity to Assemble on the assembly order header the system automatically calculates the consumption quantities for the lines based on bill of material.

Generating the Job Traveler for the Assembly Order

Navigate as below to run the Job Traveler. The Job Traveler would contain all information relating to the assembly order.

Assume a quantity of 75 is assembled for the said order. This would be entered as the Quantity to Assemble on the assembly order header. The system would automatically calculate the Quantity to Consume.

Subsequently the assembly order requires to be posted. For this click on the Post button by navigating as below.

The system would request to confirm the action. When the action is confirmed the posting would take place.

Likewise multiple partial postings could be carried out against an assembly order based on the production runs.

Note: The posting would consume components and produce assembled finished goods. No labor would get posted at this point. Labor would be posted only when the time transactions from Client Payroll Manager are synchronized to NAV.

The Usage lines would now indicate the posting carried out.

Since this is an initial posting through NAV it only shows the component usage. Once time is entered in Client Payroll Manager and synchronized to NAV the resource usage would also appear in the Usage section.

Click the Post button and the resource usage would get committed to NAV and the relevant cost would get updated on to the assembly order.

The order status in terms of costing could be analyzed by clicking on the Statistics button.

Closing the Assembly Order

Once the assembly order is completed it requires to be closed so that it does not appear as an open assembly order. To close an assembly order place a check mark as shown below.


Navigating history

History in relation to an assembly order could be viewed by navigating as below. The posted orders and entries could be viewed.

Bank Account Overview


It is recommended that a bank account card is created for each bank account, not each bank. This makes it possible to easily mirror your actual bank transactions within the system as well reconcile each account based on separate bank statements.

There are multiple steps to setting up a bank account

  1. Create a new chart of accounts number if needed. (See the Chart of Accounts document.)
  2. Set up a bank account card.
  3. Create a bank posting group and assign it to the bank card.


Setting up the Bank Account Card


  1. In the Search box, enter Bank Accounts, and then choose the related link.
  2. In the Bank Accounts window, on the Home tab, in the New group, choose New to create a new bank account card.
  3. Fill in the General FastTab information. The bank institution number is the bank’s routing number. Print company address on check would be used only if using blank check stock. For help on any other field, click on Help with that field selected.
  4. Fill in the Communications FastTab as needed.
  5. Fill in the Postings FastTab as needed. Instructions for setting up the Bank Posting Group are found later in this document.
  6. Fill in the Transfers FastTab as needed. This tab is used for accounts that have electronic bank transfers associated with them (ie. Payroll). Please contact Vertex Support for assistance.


Bank Posting Group


  1. In the Search box, enter Bank Account Posting Groups and then choose the related link.
  2. Select a relevant bank account posting group. On the Home tab, choose Edit.
  3. Enter the code for the group that you want to set up in the Code field. The code should be descriptive. You can use both numbers and letters.
  4. In the G/L Bank Account No. field, enter the desired account.


Assigning a Bank Posting Group to a Bank Account Card


  1. In the Search box, enter Bank Accounts, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the Bank Account Card, on the Posting FastTab, enter the desired posting group in the Bank Acc. Posting Group field.
  3. Repeat the procedure for all the bank accounts to which you want to assign a posting group code.


How to View Bank Account Ledger Entries 


  1. In the Search box, enter Bank Account, and then choose the related link.
  2. Open the card for the bank account whose ledger entries you want to see.
  3. On the Navigate tab, in the Bank Acc. group, choose Ledger Entries.


Posting Same Currency Transfers between Bank Accounts


  1. In the Search box, enter General Journal, and then choose the related link.
  2. On a journal line, fill in the Posting Date and Document No. fields.
  3. In the Account Type field, select Bank Account.
  4. In the Account No. field, select a bank account. Fill in the Amount and Description.
  5. Fill in the balancing account Bal. Account Type and Bal. Account No. fields.
  6. Post the journal.


Reconciling Bank Statements


Creating a Bank Reconciliation-Manually


  1. In the Search box, enter Bank Account Reconciliation, and then choose the related link.
  2. Create a new bank account reconciliation.
  3. In the Bank Account No. field, select the correct bank account code.
  4. Statement No. will automatically fill in if your system is set that way. Otherwise enter a Statement No.
  5. In the Statement Date field, enter the date of the statement from the bank.
  6. In the Ending G/L Balance field, enter the balance from the bank’s statement.
  7. In the Balance On Statement field, enter the balance from the bank’s statement.
  8. On the Actions tab, in the Functions group, choose Suggest Lines.
    1. Record type to process: Both
    2. Replace existing lines: check only if you are re-running the suggest lines function and actually need to replace lines. If re-running the function to include new lines that may have just been processed, then leave the check box blank.
  9. Choose the OK button to generate the lines based on expected payments for outstanding invoices.
  10. In the Checks FastTab, click on the Cleared check box to mark the line cleared.
  11. Enter bank fees that have not already been recorded in the Adjustments FastTab. These will show as an adjustment in the header and will be included in the cleared amount of the statement. Adjustments are posted to the GL when the statement is posted.
  12. On the reconciliation lines, verify that all the fields in the Difference column are now 0.00, and the Total Difference field at the bottom is also 0.00.
  13. On the Actions tab, in the Posting group, choose Post.


Posting a Bank Reconciliation


  1. In the Search box, enter Bank Account Reconciliation, and then choose the related link.
  2. Open the relevant bank account reconciliation.
  3. On the reconciliation lines, verify that all the fields in the Difference column are now 0.00, and the Total Difference field at the bottom is also 0.00.
  4. On the Actions tab, in the Posting group, choose Post.

All bank account ledger entries are modified to reflect that they have been applied to by a bank statement transaction. The Open field is cleared and the bank statement number is registered on the entries.

After the bank reconciliation has been posted, a bank account statement is created. To view the bank account statement, open the relevant bank account card, and from the Navigate tab, in the Bank Acc. group, choose Statements.



Integration setup


Integration setup


Integration Setup defines settings associated with integration with Vertex Client Payroll Manager®.


  1. In the Search box, enter Integration Setup, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the Home tab, in the Manage group, choose Edit.



General Tab


Use Integration: If integration will be used, check the box.

Interim Time Jnl. No. Series: The numbering series that is set up for Interim Time Journals.

Validate Employee in Int. Time Jnl.: Validate that the employee number being sent by Vertex Client Payroll Manager® exists in NAV.

Lock Time Study if in Sync: Prevents the Time Study values on the Routings from being changed from the value imported from Vertex Client Payroll Manager®.

Lock Operations per if in Sync: Prevents the Operations per values on the routings to be changed from the value imported from Vertex Client Payroll Manager®.


Manufacturing Tab


Labor Batch Name – CP: The batch name that will be used to record capacity ledger transactions for a production order when imported from Vertex Client Payroll Manager®.

Reverse Batch Name – CP: The batch name that will be used to record reversing capacity ledger transactions for a production order when imported from Vertex Client Payroll Manager®.

Keep Routing in Sync w/Job Ref: Check this box if the routing in NAV is to be kept in sync with the routing integrated from Vertex Client Payroll Manager®.

Keep Routing Comments in Sync w/Job Ref: Check this box if the routing comments in NAV are to be kept in sync with the routing integrated from Vertex Client Payroll Manager®.


Assembly Mgt. Tab


Default Usage Resource: The NAV Resource that will be used by default for resource usage integrated from Vertex Client Payroll Manager®.

Keep Asm BOM in Sync w/Job Ref: Check this box if the Assembly BOM should retain the values integrated from Vertex Client Payroll Manager®.



On the Navigate tab, in the Action group, take the needed actions as defined below:

Update Prevailing Wage in Bulk: Updates all the values in the Prevailing Wage table in bulk from Vertex Client Payroll Manager®.

Update Job Reference in Bulk: Updates all the values in the Job Reference table in bulk from Vertex Client Payroll Manager®.

Update Time Trans. In Bulk: Updates all the values in the Capacity ledgers integrated from Vertex Client Payroll Manager®.

Update Resource/Work Center Rates: Updates the rates for Resources and Work Centers if integrated from Vertex Client Payroll Manager®.

Post Output Journal: Posts output in NAV based on the values integrated from Vertex Client Payroll Manager®.

Send Prevailing Wage from CP: Integrates only Prevailing Wage changes or additions in Vertex Client Payroll Manager® made since the last time integration was performed.

Send Job Reference from CP: Integrates only Job Reference changes or additions in Vertex Client Payroll Manager® made since the last time integration was performed.

Send Time Transactions from CP: Integrates only Time Transactions changed or added in Vertex Client Payroll Manager® made since the last time integration was performed.


Inventory Adjustments


From time to time you may find the need to enter adjustments to your inventory. Positive and negative quantity adjustments are done in an item journal. The instructions below discuss a positive adjustment; however, the negative adjustment is entered the same way except in the Entry Type field select Negative Adjmt. Multiple lines, including both positive and negative adjustments can be included on one journal posting.

  1. In the Search box, enter Item Journals, and then choose the related link.
  2. In the Posting Date field, enter the posting date for this transaction.
  3. In the Entry Type field, select Positive Adjmt.
  4. In the Document No. field, enter a document number or if system assigned, tab from the field and it will auto complete.
  5. In the Item No. field, enter the item number to adjust.
  6. In the Location Code field, enter the location code if applicable.
  7. In the Quantity field, enter the quantity to increase inventory by.
  8. In the Unit of Measure field, enter the appropriate code.
  9. In the Unit Amount field, the cost amount should pull from the item card.
  10. The Amount field will auto populate with the Quantity multiplied by the Unit Amount.
  11. In the Global Dimension 1 field (will be named with the name of your global dimension 1) enter the appropriate code.
  12. In the Global Dimension 2 field (will be named with the name of your global dimension 2) enter the appropriate code.
  13. Repeat for the remaining lines.
  14. On the Home tab, Posting group, select Post or Post and Print.


Reclassify Serial or Lot Numbers


  1. In the Search box, enter Item Reclass. Journal, and then choose the related link.
  2. Fill in the line using the instructions for Inventory Adjustments. On the Navigate tab, in the Line group, choose Item Tracking Lines.
  3. In the Serial No. or Lot No. field, select the current serial or lot number.
  4. If you want to enter a new item tracking number, enter it in the New Serial No. or New Lot No. field. If you want, you can merge one or more lots to one new or existing lot. Note: When you reclassify expiration dates, then the items with the earliest expiration dates for outbound transactions are suggested first.
  5. If you would like to enter a new expiration date for the serial or lot number, enter it in the New Expiration Date field. Important: If you are reclassifying a lot to the same lot number but with a different expiration date, you must reclassify the entire lot, using one item reclassification journal line. If you are reclassifying more than one lot to one new lot number, meaning that you are merging more than one lot into one new lot, you must enter the same new expiration date for all the lots. If you are reclassifying one existing lot to a second existing lot that has a different expiration date, you must use the expiration date from the second lot. If you leave the New Expiration Date field blank, the lot or serial number will be reclassified with a blank expiration date.  
        1. If you have existing information on the old serial or lot number, you can copy it to the new serial or lot number.

            • In the Item Tracking Lines window, on the Navigate tab, in the Line group, choose New Serial No. Information or New Lot No. Information.
            • To copy information from the old lot or serial number, on the Actions tab, in the Functionsgroup, choose Copy Info.
            • In the information list window, select the lot or serial number that you would like to copy from, and choose the OK button.
        2. If you want to modify the existing information for the lot or serial number, you can record lot or serial information.
        3. Post the journal to link the renewed item tracking numbers or expiration dates to the associated item ledger entry.



Some of your products may be assembled at your company before selling them. For simple item assembly you can use assembly bills of material (BOMs) to designate the raw components and resources that make up the finished item that is sold. This process can be a bit more complex in that you can also have subassemblies that are then put together with other raw components or subassemblies to create the finished item. For more complex item processing, you can also use a production BOM.

Production BOMs are connected with production routings. Production BOMs hold data that can be used in creating material requirements and component lists that can be used at pick lists for warehouse staff. Production routings hold data that outline the process structure of a given produced item. The routings can be used to determine scheduling of operations and production capacities.

These instructions are for use with assembly BOMs. If you need assistance with production BOMs, please contact your Vertex representative.


Assembly Setup


  1. In the Search box, enter Assembly Setup, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the General FastTab
    1. Check the box for Stockout Warning if you want a warning to the person entering the sales order showing there is insufficient quantity on hand to fill the order.
    2. In the Default Location for Orders enter a default location for manually created assembly orders.
    3. In the Copy Component Dimensions from: field, choose from the options in the pull down list.
    4. Check the box for Copy Comments when Posting if you want commented copied over.
  3. On the Numbering FastTab, define the number schemes for the fields presented.
  4. On the Warehouse FastTab, check the box for Create Movements Automatically if you want the system to automatically create the inventory movements for the required components. If the box is left unchecked, the inventory movements must be made manually.


Creating Assembly BOMs


Assembly BOMs can be multilevel. This means the component of the BOM can be an assembled item.

There are two steps to creating an assembly BOM: 1) Setting up an item card and 2) Defining the BOM structure. The instructions below assume you already know how to set up a basic new item card.

  1. In the Search box, enter Items, and then choose the related link.
  2. Create a new item. On the Home tab, in the New group, choose New. Fill in the required fields on the item card.
    1. On the Replenishment FastTab
    2. In the Replenishment System field select Assembly
    3. In the Assembly Policy choose Assemble-to-Stock or Assemble to Order
  3. On the Navigate tab, in the Assembly/Production group, choose the Assembly button, and then choose Assembly BOM.
  4. To enter components in the assembly BOM, in the Type field, enter Item. In the No. field, select an item. Note: If the component that you entered is an assembly item, then the Assembly BOM field contains Yes.
  5. To enter a resource in the assembly BOM, in the Type field, enter Resource. In the No. field, select a resource.
  6. Leave the Type field blank if you want to enter a text on the assembly line, such as to describe an item or an assembly step.
  7. In the Quantity per field, define how many units of the item or resource go into the assembly BOM.
  8. Choose the OK button.


Calculating the Standard Cost of an Assembly BOM


Unit costs for the assembly item are calculated by rolling up the unit costs of each component and resource in the items assembly BOM. The unit cost of the assembly BOM always equals the total unit cost of its components. To calculate the assembly unit cots, the parent item and its components must use the standard costing method. Resources used in an assembly BOM must have a defined cost on the resource card or it will not be included in the roll up.

  1. In the Search box, enter Items, and then choose the related link.
  2. Open the item card of the new assembly BOM that you have created.
  3. On the Navigate tab, in the Assembly/Production group, choose the Assembly button, and then choose Calc. Standard Cost. Select one of the following options:
    • Top Level. Calculates the assembly item’s standard cost as the total cost of all purchased or assembled items on that assembly BOM regardless of any underlying assembly BOMs.
    • All Levels. Calculates the assembly’s item standard cost as the sum of the calculated cost of all underlying assembly BOMs and the cost of all purchased items on the assembly BOM.


Assembly Orders-Assembled-to-Stock


  1. In the Search box, enter Assembly Orders, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the Home tab, in the New group, choose New. The New Assembly Order window opens.
  3. In the No. field, press the Enter key to insert a new number from the assembly order number series. Alternatively, enter a number manually.
  4. In the Item No. field, select the assembly item that you want to process. The field is filtered to show only items that are set up for assembly, which means that they have assembly BOMs assigned.
  5. In the Quantity field, enter how many units of the item that you want assembled.

Note: If one or more components are not available to fulfill the entered assembly item quantity on the defined due date, then the Assembly Availability window automatically opens to provide detailed information about how many assembly items can be assembled based on component availability. You cannot change the contents of this window. When you close the window, the assembly order is created with availability alerts on the affected component lines.

The assembly order lines are automatically filled with the contents of the assembly BOM and with the line quantities to the assembly order header.

  1. In the Quantity to Assemble field, enter how many units of the assembly item that you want to post as output the next time that you post the assembly order. This quantity can be lower than the value in the Quantity field to reflect a partial output posting.

Note:To make sure that component consumption posting matches the assembly item output posting, the quantity fields in the assembly order lines automatically adjust to the value that you enter in the Quantity to Assemble field.

  1. On assembly order lines of type Item or Resource, in the Quantity to Consume field, specify how many units you want to post as consumed the next time that you post the assembly order. By default, the expected quantity to consume according to the assembly BOM and the assembly order header quantity is inserted, but you can increase or decrease it, such as to reflect an overconsumption of components or that extra resources were used.
  2. When you are ready to partially or fully post, on the Actions tab, in the Posting group, choose Post.

Note: If warnings are still present in any of the assembly order lines, then the posting is blocked. A message about which component or components are not in inventory is displayed.

After posting succeeds, the assembly item is posted as output to the location code and potential bin code that are defined on the assembly order. For manually created assembly orders, the location may be copied from the Default Location for Orders setup field. For assemble-to-order flows, the location code may be copied from the sales order line.


Undo Assembly Order Posting


  1. To undo a fully or partially posted assembly order, in the Search box, enter Posted Assembly Orders, and choose the related link. The Posted Assembly Orders window opens showing one or more posted assembly orders that are posted from the assembly order in question. Each partial posting creates a separate posted assembly order.
  2. Open the posted assembly order that you want to undo, and then on the Actions tab, in the General group, choose Undo Assembly. If the posted assembly order that you want to undo relates to a fully posted assembly order that is now deleted, then you have the option to recreate it, typically because you want to reprocess it.
  3. If you want to recreate the assembly order, choose the Yes button. To undo the posting without recreating the related assembly order, choose the No button. The Reversed field on the assembly order header changes to Yes. The assembly order posting is now reversed, and you can proceed to process the entire assembly order if you chose to recreate it or the open assembly order that you have restored to its original state.


Assembly Order-Assembly-to-Order


If the Assembly Policy field on the item card of an assembly item is Assemble-to-Order, then the item is not expected to be in inventory, and it must be assembled specifically to a sales order. When you enter the item on a sales order line, then an assembly order is automatically created and linked to the sales order.

If some assemble-to-order items are already in inventory, then you can deduct that quantity from the assembly order and reserve it from inventory. Similarly, when you are selling assembly items from inventory and all items are not available, you can initiate an assembly order to automatically supply a part or all of the sales order quantity

  1. In the Search box, enter Sales Orders, and then choose the related link.
  2. Create a sales order.
  3. In the No. field, enter an item that is set up to be assembled to order.
  4. In the Location Code field, define which location the item will be sold from. The assembly process will occur at that location.
  5. In the Quantity field, enter how many units to sell.

An assembly order is now automatically created and linked to the sales order line. The due date of this assembly order is synchronized with the shipment date of the sales order line.

The quantity to sell is copied to the Qty. to Assemble to Order field, which indicates that the item setup expects the full quantity on the sales line to be assembled to the order. You can decrease the quantity to assemble to order, such as if you know that some items are already available.

  1. To reflect that the customer wants an additional item in a kit, on the Lines FastTab, choose Line, choose Assemble to Order, and then choose Assemble-to-Order Lines to view and change the standard assembly components. Alternatively, choose the Qty. to Assemble to Order field.
  2. In the Assemble-to-Order Lines window, create a new line of type Item for the requested additional kit content. The line represents an additional assembly component.

You could also customize the order by increasing the quantity of one standard item in the kit. You can do this by increasing the value in the Quantity Per field on the specific assembly order line.

Note: The Assemble-to-Order Lines window only contains the basic fields that a salesperson is expected to use to customize the component list, add item tracking numbers, or to solve component availability issues. To see more assembly order information, such as the assembly order starting date, on the Home tab, in the Process group, choose Show Documents. This opens a full view of the assembly order that is linked to the sales order line. You cannot change the contents of most fields on the assembly order header, and you cannot post assembly output from it because you must use shipment posting of the sales order line. On the header of linked assembly orders, only the Starting Date field can be changed to enable assembly workers to specify a date that is earlier than the due date when they will start the process. All fields on the lines of the linked assembly order can be changed so that warehouse workers can enter consumption figures during the process.

  1. Review or react to component availability issues. For example, select an available substitute item or establish a later due date.
  2. Close the Assemble-to-Order Lines window. The linked assembly order is now ready to start to assemble the customized items by the due date.
  3. On the sales order, on the Actions tab, in the Release group, choose Release to notify the assembly department that the assembly process can start.
  4. In the assembly department, perform the steps of assembling the items that are sold in this procedure.


Reviewing the Linked Assembly Order


  1. Open the sales order that contains the assembly order you want to view.
  2. On the sales order lines, click the Qty. to Assemble to Order field. A drill-down button appears. Click the drill-down button.

Note: When you drill down to the Assemble-to-Order Lines page from a sales order line, although it is displayed as if the assembly order lines are associated directly with the sales order line, this is not the case. Instead, they are the order lines of a fully formed assembly order, complete with its own header. This, in turn, is linked to the sales order line. To view the complete assembly order, on the Home tab of the Assemble-to-Order Lines page, click Show Document.


Reserve Assembly Components


When a sales order is entered with an assemble-to-order line item if the assembly availability warning is not displayed or there is partial inventory available, you can reserve the available items to the sales order.


Check the Availability of the Assembly Item


  1. Enter the sales order.
  2. Drill down on the Qty. to Assembly Order field.
  3. Choose a component to view.
  4. On the Assemble-to-Order Lines page, on the Navigate tab, on the Item Availability group, select Location.
  5. On the Item Available by Location page. Review this page to determine if there is any activity for this component that could hinder the fulfillment of the sales order. If so, then you must reserve the item for use on this sales order.
  6. Close the Item Available by Location page.
  7. On the Assemble-to-Order Lines page, select the assembly order for the item.
  8. On the Home tab, click Reserve.
  9. On the Home tab, click Reserve from Current Line. The Reservation Quantityfield changes to reflect the reservation as do the Total Reservation Quantity and the Current Reserved Quantity.
  10. Close the Reservation page.




There are no additional tasks for shipping an assembly order except in the two following situations:

  • Partial shipments on sales lines that contain both assemble-to-order items and inventory items (same item number, but there are units currently in inventory of the assembly item). The issue is that the order processor must decide what piece of a partial shipment should come from existing inventory versus new assemblies.
  • Undoing shipments. The tasks for the order processor in undoing assemble-to-order shipments do not differ from undoing other types of shipments. However, order processors should be aware of some underlying entries and, or processes should problems occur


Partial Shipments


Partial shipments are shipped the same way as they are for any other sales order. Manually reduce the Qty. to Ship field to the amount actually being shipped. However, if the sales line contains both an assemble-to-order item and an inventory item (same item, but there were some of the assembly item currently on hand), then the order entry person needs to determine how much of the partial shipment should come from inventory and how much still needs to be assembled?

The system defaults to drawing units from the assembly order first. If the quantity to ship is equal to or less than the quantity to assemble, the Quantity to Assemble field cannot be changed. If the quantity to ship is more than the current quantity to assemble, the order entry person can now change the Quantity to Assemble on the assembly order to the actual number needed to fulfill the order.

For example, a customer order 20 of assembly unit A. The quantity to assembly is 15 on the assembly order and there are 5 on hand in inventory. In the first scenario, a quantity of 10 will be shipped. Since 10 units is less than the 15 units on the assembly order, the assembly order cannot be changed. In a second scenario, 17 units are going to be shipped. Because the 17 being shipped is greater than the 15 units on the assembly order, the order entry person can change the quantity to assemble to 3 because only three more units are needed to fulfill the order.


Undo Assemble-to-Order Shipments


The procedure for undoing assemble-to-order shipments does not differ from the procedure for undoing any other type of sales shipment.

  1. In the Search box, enter Posted Sales Shipments, and then choose the related link.
  2. Open the relevant posted sales shipment, and select the line or lines you want to correct.
  3. On the Lines FastTab, choose Actions, choose Functions, and then choose Undo Shipment.

A corrective line is created in the posted document. The Quantity Shipped field on the sales order is decreased by the quantity that you have undone. In turn, the Qty. to Ship is increased by the undone quantity. On the posted shipment line, in the corrective line Quantity is equal to the quantity of the line being undone. The Correction check box is selected for the lines.

If the quantity was shipped in a warehouse shipment, a corrective line is inserted in the posted warehouse shipment. If the quantity was only partially shipped, then the Qty. to Ship on the warehouse shipment is updated. The Qty. Shipped field is decreased by the undone quantity.

  1. Go back to the sales order, and on the Process tab, in the Release group, choose Reopen to reopen it.
  2. Correct the entry in the Quantity field and post the order.

If the order is to be shipped through a warehouse shipment, then create and post a new warehouse shipment.

The linked assembly order will automatically be reversed when you undo the shipment.


Which Assemblies is an Item Used




  1. In the Search box, enter Where Used, and then choose the related link.
  2. Enter the item number you want to look for.
  3. Enter any other filters you would like to define.
  4. Print or Preview the report.


From Item Card


  1. In the Search box, enter Items, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the Navigate tab, Assembly/Production group, select Assembly and then Where-Used.

Quick Task Guide Item Card


Item Card window Contains the master data that is required to plan, buy, store, assemble, produce, account, track, sell, and ship items.

Use this window to enter information about an item in your inventory, such as item number, description, unit of measure, as well as invoicing, ordering, and reporting information. There is one card for each item. Each card contains several FastTabs with different types of information about the item.


Item Card Window


  1. In the Search box, enter Items, and then choose the related link.
  2. In the Items window, on the Home tab, in the New group, choose New to create a new Item card as shown below
  3. Fill in the following in the General FastTab,
      1. No Field: Specifies the number of the item. The field is either filled automatically from a defined number series, or you enter the number manually because you have enabled manual number entry in the number-series setup.
      2. Description Field: Specifies a description of the item. This description is typically printed on orders and invoices. Enter it as you want it to appear.
      3. Base Unit of Measure Field:Specifies the unit in which the item is held on inventory. The base unit of measure also serves as the conversion basis for alternate units of measure.
      4. Assembly BOM Field:Indicates if the item is an assembly BOM.
      5. Shelf No. Field:Specifies where to find the item in the warehouse. 
      6. Automatic Ext. Texts Field:Specifies that an extended text that you have set up will be added automatically on sales or purchase documents for this item.
      7. Created From Nonstock Item Field:Specifies that item was created from a nonstock item (an item not regularly kept in inventory).
      8. Item Category Code Field:Contains the item category code for the item.
      9. Product Group Code Field:Contains a product group code that relates to the item category that is assigned to the item.
      10. Service Item Group Field:Contains the code of the service item group that the item belongs to.
      11. Search Description Field:Specifies a search description.
      12. Inventory Field:Specifies how many units, such as pieces, boxes, or cans, of the item are on inventory.
      13. Qty. on Purch. Order Field:Shows how many units of the item are inbound on purchase orders, meaning listed on outstanding purchase order lines. The field is automatically updated based on the Outstanding Quantity field in the Purchase Line table.
      14. Qty. on Prod. Order Field: Shows how many units of the item are allocated to production orders, meaning listed on outstanding production order lines. The field is automatically updated based on the Remaining Quantity field in the Prod. Order Line table.
      15. Qty. on Component Lines Field:Shows how many units of the item are allocated as production order components, meaning listed under outstanding production order lines.
      16. Qty. on Sales Order Field:Shows how many units of the item are allocated to sales orders, meaning listed on outstanding sales orders lines.
      17. Qty. on Service Order Field:Shows how many units of the item are allocated to service orders, meaning listed on outstanding service order lines.
      18. Qty. on Job Order Field:Shows how many units of the item are allocated to jobs, meaning listed on outstanding job planning lines.
      19. Qty. on Assembly Order Field:Shows how many units of the item are allocated to assembly orders, which is how many are listed on outstanding assembly order headers.
      20. Qty. on Asm. Component Field: Shows how many units of the item are allocated as assembly components, which means how many are listed on outstanding assembly order lines.
      21. Blocked Field:Specifies if transactions with the item should be blocked, for example, because the item is in quarantine.
      22. Last Date Modified Field:Shows when the item card was last modified.
      23. Stockout Warning Field:Specifies if a warning is displayed when you enter a quantity on a sales document that brings the item’s inventory below zero. The calculation includes all sales document lines that have not yet been posted.
      24. Prevent Negative Inventory Field:Specifies if you can post a transaction that will bring the item’s inventory below zero.
  1. In the Invoicing FastTab fill in the following:
      1. Costing Method Field:Specifies how the item’s cost flow is recorded and whether an actual or budgeted value is capitalized and used in the cost calculation.
      2. Cost is Adjusted Field:Specifies whether the item’s unit cost has been adjusted, either automatically or manually.
      3. Cost is Posted to G/L Field:Specifies that all the inventory costs for this item have been posted to the general ledger.
      4. Standard Cost Field:Specifies the unit cost that is used as a standard measure. You must fill in this field if you selected Standard in theCosting Method field.
      5. Overhead Rate Field:Specifies the item’s indirect cost as an absolute amount. The amount is added to the item’s unit cost to reflect indirect cost or overhead, such as freight and warehouse handling that is associated with the purchase of the item.
      6. Indirect Cost % Field:Specifies the percentage of the item’s direct unit cost that makes up indirect costs, such as freight and warehouse handling associated with the purchase of the item.
      7. Last Direct Cost Field:Contains the most recent direct unit cost of the item.
      8. Price/Profit Calculation Field:Specifies if the Profit % field, the Unit Price field, or neither field is calculated and filled. The value in the Profit % field is what is generally understood as the profit margin.
      9. Profit % Field:Specifies the profit margin that you want to sell the item at. You can enter a profit percentage manually or have it entered according to the Price/Profit Calculation field.
      10. Unit Price Field:Specifies the price for one unit of the item, in LCY. You can enter a price manually or have it entered according to thePrice/Profit Calculation field.
      11. Gen. Prod. Posting Group Field:Links business transactions made for this item with the general ledger to account for the value of trade with the item.
      12. VAT Prod. Posting Group Field:Links business transactions made for this item with the general ledger to account for VAT amounts that result from trade with the item.
      13. Inventory Posting Group Field:Links business transactions made for the item with an inventory account in the general ledger to group amounts for that item type.
      14. Net Invoiced Qty. Field:Shows how many units of the item on inventory have been invoiced.
      15. Allow Invoice Disc. Field:Specifies if the item should be included in the calculation of an invoice discount on documents where the item is traded.
      16. Item Disc. Group Field:Specifies an item group code that can be used as a criterion to grant a discount when the item is sold to a certain customer.
      17. Sales Unit of Measure Field:Contains the unit of measure code the program must use when you sell the item. It is automatically filled in, when you fill in the Base Unit of Measure. Choose the field to see a list of available unit of measure codes.
  1. In the Replenishment FastTab fill in the following:
      1. Replenishment System Field:Specifies the type of supply order that is created by the planning system when the item needs to be replenished. 
      2. Lead Time Calculation Field:Specifies a date formula for the amount of time that it takes to replenish the item. This field is used to calculate the date fields on order and order proposal lines.
      3. Vendor No. Field:Specifies the code of the vendor from whom this item is supplied by default.
      4. Vendor Item No. Field:Specifies the number that the vendor uses for this item. You can enter a maximum of 20 characters, both numbers and letters.
      5. Purch. Unit of Measure Field:Contains the unit of measure code the program must use when you purchase the item. It is automatically filled in, when you fill in the Base Unit of Measure. Choose the field to see a list of available unit of measure codes.
      6. Manufacturing Policy Field:Defines whether additional orders for any related components are calculated. This includes production orders that are created manually or from sales orders and production order proposals that are generated by planning calculations.
      7. Routing No. Field:Specifies the number of the routing.
      8. Production BOM No. Field:Specifies the number of the production BOM.
      9. Rounding Precision Field:Defines how calculated consumption quantities are rounded when entered on consumption journal lines. Quantities less than 0.5 will be rounded down. Quantities equal to or greater than 0.5 will be rounded up.
      10. Flushing Method Field:Specifies the method that is used to calculate and handle the consumption of the item as a component in production processes.
      11. Scrap % Field:Specifies the percentage of the item that you expect to be scrapped in the production process. It is used to calculate unit prices and net requirements.
      12. Lot Size Field:Specifies how many units of the item are processed in one production operation by default.
      13. Assembly Policy Field:Specifies which default order flow is used to supply this assembly item. The following options are available.
  1. In the Planning FastTab fill in the following:
      1. Reordering Policy Field:Specifies the reordering policy. When quantities must be replenished, the reordering policy is used to calculate the lot size per planning period (time bucket).
      2. Reserve Field:Indicates whether the program will allow reservations to be made for this item. 
      3. Order Tracking Policy Field:Specifies if and how order tracking entries are created and maintained between supply and its corresponding demand.
      4. Stockkeeping Unit Exists Field:Specifies that a stockkeeping unit (SKU) exists for this item.
      5. Dampener Quantity Field:Specifies a dampener quantity to block insignificant change suggestions for an existing supply if the quantity by which the supply would change is lower than the dampener quantity.
      6. Critical Field:Specifies if the item is included in availability calculations to promise a shipment date for its parent item. 
      7. Safety Lead Time Field:Defines a date formula to indicate a safety lead time that can be used as a buffer period for delays in the production, assembly, or purchase replenishment lead time.
      8. Safety Stock Quantity Field:Defines a quantity of stock that you want to have in inventory to protect against fluctuations in demand and supply during the replenishment lead time for the item.
      9. Reorder Point Field:Specifies a quantity of stock that sets the inventory level below which you must replenish the item.
      10. Reorder Quantity Field:Specifies a standard lot size quantity to be used for all order proposals. The program will use this quantity at the minimum, although it may increase the final order quantity to meet additional requirements or the specified inventory level.
      11. Minimum Order Quantity Field:Defines a minimum allowable quantity for an item order proposal.
      12. Maximum Order Quantity Field:Specifies a maximum allowable quantity for an item order proposal.
      13. Order Multiple Field:Defines a parameter that is used by the planning system to modify the order quantity of planned supply orders. The order multiple is an integer that defines the quantity to which an order quantity is rounded up. The modified order quantity is then divisible by the order multiple.
      14. Overflow Level Field:Specifies a quantity by which you allow projected inventory to exceed the reorder point before the system suggests to decrease existing supply orders.
      15. Time Bucket Field:Specifies a time period that defines the recurring planning horizon of the item when you use Fixed Reorder Qty. or Maximum Qty. reordering policies.
  1. In the Foreign Trade FastTab fill in the following:
      1. Gross Weight Field:Specifies the gross weight of the item.
      2. Country/Region of Origin Code Field:Specifies a code for the country/region in which the item was produced or processed.
      3. Net Weight Field:Specifies the net weight of the item.
      4. Tariff No. Field:Specifies a code for the item’s tariff number. 
  1. In the Item Tracking FastTab fill in the following:
      1. Item Tracking Code Field:Contains the code that indicates how the program will track the item in inventory. 
      2. Serial Nos. Field:Specifies a number series code to have the program automatically assign consecutive serial numbers to items produced. The serial numbers will produced when you post the items from an output journal
      3. Lot Nos. Field:Contains the code for the number series that will be used when assigning lot numbers.
      4. Expiration Calculation Field:Contains the formula for calculating the expiration date on the item tracking line. To use this field, the item must have an item tracking code.
  1. In the Warehouse FastTab fill in the following
      1. Special Equipment Code Field:Contains the code of the equipment that warehouse employees must use when handling the item.
      2. Put-away Template Code Field:Contains the code of the put-away template by which the program determines the most appropriate zone and bin for storage of the item after receipt.
      3. Put-away Unit of Measure Code Field:Contains the code of the item unit of measure in which the program will put the item away.
      4. Phys Invt Counting Period Code Field:Contains the code of the counting period that indicates how often you want to count the item in a physical inventory.
      5. Last Counting Period Update Field:Contains the last date on which you calculated the counting period. It is updated when you use the function Calculate Counting Period.
      6. Identifier Code Field:Contains a unique code for the item in terms that are useful for automatic data capture. You can define one identifier code for each combination of item, variant code and unit of measure code.
      7. Use Cross-Docking Field:Specifies if this item can be cross-docked.


Job Reference No.:


The Job Reference No. is tied to the Job in Vertex Client Payroll Manager®. If the Job Reference has been defined on the item card that value will default here. If not, it can be entered using the lookup.


Job Reference Card


Job Reference No.:

The Job Reference No. is tied to the Job in Vertex Client Payroll Manager®. If the Job Reference has been defined on the item card that value will default here. If not, it can be entered using the lookup.


General Fast Tab


  1. Normal Starting time– Starting time of the manufacturing process.
  2. Normal Ending time– End time of the manufacturing process.
  3. Preset Output Quantity– Manually Choose the output Quantity of the process.
  4. Show capacity in– Capacity UOM has to be mapped in.
  5. Planning Warning– True if a warning is required.
  6. Document No in Prod Order No– True if a separate document no is required.
  7. Dynamic Low level code– True if the code has to be maintained.
  8. Cost Incl.Setup– True if cost has to be included.


Numbering Fast Tab


  1. All the no series are to be mapped in the following fields such as:

Simulated Order Nos, Planned Order Nos, Firm Planned Order Nos, Released Order Nos, Work Center, Machine Center, production BOM and Routing Nos.


Planning Fast Tab


  1. Current Production Forecast–  The Product Forecast Created has to be mapped in.
  2. Default safety lead time– The lead time has to be given manually.
  3. Bank Overflow level– Its system Generated.
  4. Combined MRP/MPS Calculation– True if MRP and MPS calculations are required.

Components at Location—Location in which components are to be putted has to be mapped in.


Quick Task Guide Production Order Processing


Production Order Execution


Once a Production Order has been created and scheduled, it has to be released to the shop floor to be executed. During execution of the order, you record:

Materials picked or consumed

  • How much time was spent working on the order?
  • Quantity of the parent item produced to reserve a specific serial or lot number


Material Consumption


Material consumption may be recorded manually, which might be desired if there are frequent component substitutions or greater than expected scrap that needs to be reported.

The physical picking of material can be based on one of several reports, such as the Prod. Order – Mat. Requisition Report or the Prod. Order – Job Card Report. With warehouse granules, special pick documents are used.

Consumption of materials may be processed through the Consumption Journal, but also may be recorded automatically by the program. This is referred to as “automatic reporting”.


The reporting methods are:

  1. Manual –This method uses the Consumption Journal to specify material picking.
  2. Forward –This method assumes the expected quantity of all materials for the entire order is automatically consumed at the release of a production order, unless using routing link codes.
  3. Backward –This method is the actual quantity of all material automatically picked or consumed when the status of a production order is changed to Finished unless using routing link codes.


When the Production Order is refreshed, the flushing method is copied from the item card. Because the flushing method for each production order component controls how and when the consumption is recorded, it is important to note that you can change flushing method for specific items directly on the Production Order.

The advantage of automatic flushing is that it greatly reduces data entry. (Most competitor systems auto-flush the materials only.) In fact, with Microsoft Navision’s ability to automatically flush an operation, the entire consumption and output recording process can be automated.

The disadvantage of using automatic flushing is that you may not be accurately recording, or even aware of scrap


Component Picking


The picking of components for production can be done in different ways depending on the extent of warehouse functionality available in the installation are as follows;

  1. Warehouse Management Integration
  2. Bin Granule
  3. Pick and Put-Away Granules
  4. Warehouse Management Systems
  5. Picking with Consumption Journal (Bin Granule)
  6. Picking from Production Order (Pick Granule)


Production Output


Output Journal


As a Production Order is processed on the shop floor, the time and quantities produced may be recorded on one of a variety of production reports, such as the Prod. Order – Job Card Report or the Prod. Order Routing List Report. This information is then entered using the Output Journal. A third-party shop floor data collection system may also be interfaced with Microsoft Navision in order to reduce the amount of data entry

As is the case with component consumption, there are three reporting methods for output:

  1. Manual– This method uses the Output Journal to specify time consumed and quantity produced.
  2. Forward– This method is the expected output (and time), which is automatically recorded at the release of a Production Order.
  3. Backward– This method is the expected output (and time), which is automatically recorded at the finish of a Production Order.


Putting Away in Warehouse


Putting away finished items from production can be done in different ways depending on the extent of warehouse functionality available in the installation. Accordingly, the put-away process can be initiated and controlled by the production manager with different levels of warehouse involvement.


Put-Away Processing


  1. Putting Away with Output Journal (Bin Granule)
  2. Putting Away from Production Order (Put-Away Granule)


Production Journal


The Production Journal combines the functions of the Consumption Journal and Output Journals into one journal, which is accessed directly from a Released Production Order form.

The purpose of the Production Journal is to provide a single interface for a production manager to register consumption and output from a Production Order.

The Production Journal has a simple view and provides a production manager the ability to:

  1. Easily record output and consumptions related to a Production Order
  2. Relate the components to operations
  3. Relate actual operation data with the standard estimates on the Production Order routing line and components
  4. Post and print an overview of registered operation data for the Production Order

The Production Journal performs many of the same functions as the Consumption and Output journals. Dimensions, Item Tracking, and Bin Contents are handled in the same way as on the Consumption and Output journals.

However, the Production Journal differs from the Consumption and Output journals in the following ways:

  1. It is called directly from a released production order line and preset with the relevant data.
  2. It allows you to define which types of components to handle based on a flushing method filter at the top of the journal.
  3. Quantities and times already posted for the order are displayed at the bottom of the journal as actual entries.
  4. Fields where data entry is irrelevant are blank and non-editable.
  5. The user can set up the way output quantities are preset in the journal – for example, that the last operation must have zero as Output Quantity.
  6. If you happen to exit the journal without posting your changes, a request message is displayed allowing you to stay in the journal.
  7. It displays operations and components together in a logical structure that provides overview of the production process

Creating a Released Production Order (RPO) in MS Dynamics NAV

Scenario:Assume a Released Production Order relating to item F51318 for 50000 quantities is to be created at location 10. Date assumptions could be made for the due date to be August 25, 2017 and the time entry period to be from July 24, 2017 to August 25, 2017.

To create a new Released Production Order go to the list of released production orders by navigating as Departments > Manufacturing > Execution > Released Prod. Orders and then click the “New” button listed on the ribbon. (Note: Released Production Orders could also be created by converting a Firm Planned Production Order)



The above action would open a new Released Production Order.



Fill in the information for the production order.



No. – Automatically populated based on a number series.

Description – Automatically populated with the “Description” defined in the item master. 

Description 2 – Automatically populated with the “Description 2” defined in the item master. 

Source Type – The type should be selected as “Item” since the production order relates to an item order.

Source No. – This field needs to be filled in with the item number of the finished good produced.

Search Description –  Automatically populated with the “Search Description” defined in the item master.

Quantity – The quantitiy to be produced.

Due Date – The date by which the order has to be completed.

Routing No. – Automatically populated with the “Routing No.” defined in the item master. However the user may have to change this if a different routing is used for the job. When carrying out the change the user needs to be cautious on the fact that the new routing number has to resemble the routing links of the previous.

Job Reference No. – Automatically populated based on the routing number selected.

T.E. Start Date – The earliest date on which time entry could begin via Client Payroll Manager.

T.E Close Date – The final date on which time entry could be recorded via Client Payroll Manager.

Location Code – The location in which production would be performed.

Customer PO No. – A reference that could be manually entered to track the relating customer PO.

Once the information on the header is complete it is important to note that no information is required to be entered in the “Lines” section. The lines section is automatically created by the system once the “Refresh Production Order” process is executed.

To execute the production order refresh click on the “Refresh Production Order” button listed on the ribbon.




On the subsequent window ensure that the scheduling direction is set to “Back” and the check boxes are placed for calculating the Lines, Routings and Component Need. Finally click the “OK” button and this would create the production order line along with the relevant sublevels (production order routing, production order components)

Next click on Line > Send Order to Client Payroll. 




When the action is confirmed by clicking the “Yes” button it would synchronize the Released Production Order with Client Payroll and generate the “Order ID”.


Changes to Synchronized Released Production Orders


In the event changes are required to a Released Production Order it is mandatory that the order be re-planned and re-synchronized. In order to do this after the Released Production Order has been modified click on the “Replan” button listed on the ribbon.




On the subsequent window ensure that the Scheduling Direction is set to “Back” and the Plan is set for “All Levels”. Finally click the “OK” button and this would re-plan the production order.

Next click on Line > Send Order to Client Payroll to ensure that the changes are synchronized with Client Payroll Manager.


Checking routings or components pre/post-production


To check the routings or components on a production order click on Line > Routing or Line > Components. The capacity or component need for the production order could be checked by using this information.



The production order routings would show the information relating to each step inclusive of the “Expected Capacity Need”. The “Expected Capacity Need” would indicate the amount of time required at each step to produce the entire finished good quantity.



The production order components would show the information relating to each component inclusive of the “Expected Quantity” and the “Flushing Method”. The “Expected Quantity” is the individual component quantity required to produce the total finished good quantity. The “Flushing Method” would indicate if the system would automatically post consumption or the whether the user would have to post consumption manually.

If flushing method is “Manual”



If flushing method is “Backward” (alternate scenario)



If flushing method is “Forward” (alternate scenario)



Note: The “Expected Capacity Need” and “Expected Quantity” columns may not be visible initially and user might have to make them visible as a one-time setup.


Recording production


The functionality of the Production Journal is used in order to record production. Open the production journal by clicking on Line > Production Journal.



This would open the Production Journal window.



The production journal by default would have the “Flushing Method Filter” set to “Manual”. The rational for this is that the system requires inputs from the user only on components or operations that use a manual flushing method.

If the components are defined as manual flushing on the item card they would be listed under the “Manual” flushing method filter. In this instance the system calculates the consumption but provides the user the option of adjusting the quantities based on actual consumption.

Alternate scenarios (Backward / Forward Flushing)


There may be alternate scenarios where components are set to backward flushing or forward flushing.


Backward flushing


In the below instance it is pertinent to note that the flushing method of the components relating to the finished good are set to “Backward”. Therefore they are not shown since the system automatically calculates the consumption based on the output posted as per the standard Bill of Materials (BoM) and does not expect an input from the user relating to the components. In this method provided that the components are linked to the operations using the routing link codes the consumption at an operation would take place only if an output is posted. The consumption posted by the system would be calculated based on the number of outputs posted.

In the event all operations and components need to be viewed regardless of the flushing method the user should set the “Flushing Method Filter” to “All Methods”. This would display the operations that are on “Manual” as well as the components that are on “Backward”



Forward flushing


In the following instance the flushing method of the components relating to the finished good are set to “Forward”. Therefore they are not shown since the system automatically calculates the consumption based on the production order quantity as per the standard Bill of Materials (BoM) and does not expect an input from the user relating to the components. In this method provided that the components are linked to the operations using the routing link codes the consumption at an operation would take place once the first output is recorded. The system would post the entire consumption relating to the operation regardless of the number of outputs posted.

In the event all operations and components need to be viewed regardless of the flushing method the user should set the “Flushing Method Filter” to “All Methods”. This would display the operations that are on “Manual” as well as the components that are on “Forward”



Recording Output – Record the number of units produced at each step in the Output Quantity field. A Vertex feature has been made available which copies the Output Quantity entered no the first step on to the rest of the steps. This feature could be activated by placing a check mark on the “Auto fill Output Quantity” field in the Manufacturing Setup



Recording Consumption – If the components are set to manual flush then the system would calculate the consumption but allow the user to adjust it based on the actual consumption quantities and post it.

If the components are set to backflush or forward flush (alternate scenarios)the system automatically posts the consumption as per the Output Quantity (if backflush) or production order Quantity (if forward flush) based on the standard BoM. The system controls the consumption and does not provide the option for the user to change consumption quantities.

Recording Time (capacity) – Capacity related inputs are not recorded through Microsoft Dynamics NAV instead they are recorded in Vertex Client Payroll Manager and automatically synchronized to Microsoft Dynamics NAV. If production orders are carried by staff and not clients and if such orders are not recorded in Vertex Client Payroll Manager then the customer has the option to post such time through the Production Journal.

If the components are on Manual flush



Once the consumption quantities and output quantities have been entered the user could click on the “Post” button for the posting process to take place.


If the components are on Backflush or Forward flush (alternate scenarios)



Once the output quantities have been entered the user could click on the “Post” button for the posting process to take place.

The item ledger entries relating to the production order could be checked by selecting the Navigate tab on the ribbon and clicking on Entries > Item Ledger Entries.



Recording Scrap and Re-work


Scrap and rework are common processes that occur during production as a result of quality inspections at various stages.

Recording Scrap – Scrap is recoded at an operation / task level. When a finished item is identified as scrap it cannot be used in the production order and is discarded. Therefore in such situations those quantities are entered in the “Scrap Quantity” field against the specific operation. By doing this the cost of scrap would get absorbed in to the production order and would reflect a more realistic cost of production. Further if units are marked as scrap additional units would have to be produced in order to fulfil the customer order quantity (if no buffer has been built in to the order).

Recording Rework – Rework is the process where additional labor and components are used in order to rectify a defect on a finished item so that the finished item could pass quality standards. In such scenarios the additional components used would be entered in the “Consumption Quantity” field.  If the components are on backflush or forward flush (alternate scenario)the Flushing Method Filter would have to be set to “All Methods” so that the components that are on backflush or forward flush are displayed.

The additional labor utilized for rework would be entered in Vertex Client Payroll Manager and automatically synchronized. If the labor is not Client related and is not entered via Vertex Client Payroll Manager it could be entered using the production journal in Microsoft Dynamics NAV.



Finishing Released Production Orders


When all production reporting is complete on a specific production order it is important that the production order be changed to “Finished” status. This is because finance related entries for the order are calculated and finalized only if the order is changed on to a Finished Production Order.

Prior to finishing a released production order ensure that all postingsrelating to the order are complete and accurate (because once a production order is changed to “Finished” it would be locked for all changes)then click on the “Change Status” button on the ribbon.



This action would prompt another window in which the user has to ensure that the “New Status” is selected as “Finished” and the Posting Date is accurate. Finally click the “Yes” button.



Once the process is complete the system would issue a notification that the order has been converted on to Finished Production Order.



This would complete the production process in Microsoft Dynamics NAV.


Checking on completed Production Orders


To check on completed production orders navigate as:

Departments > Manufacturing > History > Finished Prod. Orders

This would contain a listing of all completed production orders. Double click on a production order in order to open it for viewing.






Modifications to the standard Microsoft Dynamics NAV Released Production Order General tab have been made including the fields referenced below.


Released Production Order


  1. On the General FastTab
  2. Job Reference No
  3. T.E. Start Date
  4. T.E. Stop Date


Job Reference No.:

The Job Reference No. is tied to the Job in Vertex Client Payroll Manager®. If the Job Reference has been defined on the item card that value will default here. If not, it can be entered using the lookup.

T.E. Start Date:

This is the first date that time can be entered for the job in Vertex Client Payroll Manager®. This is a required field.

T.E. Stop Date:

This is the last date that time can be entered for in Vertex Client Payroll Manager®. It is not a required field.


Sales & Receivable Setup defines certain basic rules to be used in the Sales & Receivables application area.

Sales & Receivable Setup Window

  1. In the Search box, enter Sales & Receivable Setup, and then choose the related link and Sales & Receivable Setup window opens as shown below.
  2. On the General FastTab, you specify options such as how you want to calculate and post discounts and what warnings you would like to have displayed.Fill in the following in the General FastTab,
        1. Discount Posting Field: Specifies the type of sales discounts to post separately. Determine the discount type by clicking the field and selecting one of the following options:
        2. Credit Warnings Field: Specifies whether to warn about the customer’s status when you create a sales order or invoice.
        3. Stockout Warning Field: Specifies if a warning is displayed when you enter a quantity on a sales document that brings the item’s inventory level below zero. This warning is for all items. The calculation includes all sales document lines that have not yet been posted.
        4. Shipment on Invoice Field: Automatically creates a posted shipment and a posted invoice when you post an invoice. If you leave the field blank, the program will create only a posted invoice when you post.
        5. Return Receipt on Credit Memo Field: Specifies that a posted return receipt and a posted sales credit memo are automatically created when you post a credit memo.
        6. Inv. Rounding Field: Specifies that amounts are rounded for sales invoices.
        7. Ext. Doc. No. Mandatory Field: Specifies whether it is mandatory to enter an external document number in the External Document No. Field on a sales header or the External Document No. Field on a general journal line.
        8. Appln. between Currencies Field: Specifies whether it is allowed to apply customer payments in different currencies.
        9. Logo Position on Documents Field: Specifies the position of your company logo on the following business letters and documents:
            • Sales quote
            • Order confirmation
            • Sales invoice
            • Sales shipment
        10. Default Posting Date Field: Specifies how to use the Posting Date field on sales documents.
        11. Default Quantity to Ship: Specifies the default value that is inserted in the Qty. to Ship field in sales order lines and in the Return Qty. to Receive field in sales return order lines when they are created and after an order is partially posted.
        12. Copy Comments Blanket to Order Field: Specifies whether to copy comments from blanket orders to sales orders.
        13. Copy Comments Order to Invoice Field: Specifies whether to copy comments from sales orders to sales invoices.
        14. Copy Comments Order to Shpt. Field: Specifies whether to copy comments from sales orders to shipments. If you enter a check mark in the check box, comments that you enter on a sales order will be copied to the posted sales shipment that is created from the order.
        15. Copy Cmts Ret.Ord. to Cr. Memo Field: Specifies whether to copy comments from sales return orders to sales credit memos. If you select the check box, then comments that you enter on a sales return order will be copied to the posted sales credit memo that is created from the return order.
        16. Allow VAT Difference Field: Specifies whether to allow the manual adjustment of VAT amounts in sales documents.
        17. Calc. Inv. Disc. per VAT ID Field: Specifies that the invoice discount is calculated according to VAT Identifier. If you choose not to place a check mark here, the invoice discount will be calculated on the invoice total. The two methods may lead to a small difference in the VAT amount calculated by the program.
        18. VAT Bus. Posting Gr. (Price) Field: Specifies a VAT business posting group for customers for whom you want the item price including VAT, as shown in the Unit Price field, to apply.
        19. Exact Cost Reversing Mandatory Field: Specifies that a return transaction cannot be posted unless the Appl.-from Item Entry field on the sales order line contains an entry.
        20. Check Prepmt. when Posting Field: Specifies that you cannot ship or invoice an order that has an unpaid prepayment amount.
        21. Archive Quotes and Orders Field: Specifies whether to automatically archive sales quotes and sales orders when a sales quote/order is deleted.
  1. In the Dimensions FastTab fill in the following:
        1. Customer Group Dimension Code Field: Specifies the dimension code for customer groups in your analysis report.
        2. Salesperson Dimension Code Field: Specifies the dimension code for salespeople in your analysis report
  1. In the Numbering FastTab
        1. Customer Nos. Field: Specifies the code for the number series that will be used to assign numbers to customers
        2. Quote Nos. Field: Specifies the code for the number series that will be used to assign numbers to sales quotes.
        3. Blanket Order Nos. Field: Specifies the code for the number series that will be used to assign numbers to blanket sales orders.
        4. Order Nos. Field: Specifies the code for the number series that will be used to assign numbers to sales orders.
        5. Return Order Nos. Field: Specifies the number series that is used to assign numbers to new sales return orders.
        6. Invoice Nos. Field: Specifies the code for the number series that will be used to assign numbers to sales invoices.
        7. Posted Invoice Nos. Field: Specifies the code for the number series that will be used to assign numbers to sales invoices when they are posted.
        8. Credit Memo Nos. Field: Specifies the code for the number series that will be used to assign numbers to sales credit memos
        9. Posted Credit Memo Nos. Field: Specifies the code for the number series that will be used to assign numbers to sales credit memos when they are posted.
        10. Posted Shipment Nos. Field: Specifies the code for the number series that will be used to assign numbers to shipments when they are posted.
        11. Posted Return Receipt Nos. Field: Specifies the code for the number series that will be used to assign numbers to posted return receipts.
        12. Reminder Nos. Field: Specifies the code for the number series that will be used to assign numbers to reminders.
        13. Issued Reminder Nos. Field: Specifies the code for the number series that will be used to assign numbers to reminders when they are issued.
        14. Fin. Chrg. Memo Nos. Field: Specifies the code for the number series that will be used to assign numbers to finance charge memos
        15. Issued Fin. Chrg. M. Nos. Field: Specifies the code for the number series that will be used to assign numbers to finance charge memos when they are issued.
        16. Posted Prepmt. Inv. Nos. Field: Specifies the code for the number series that will be used to assign numbers to sales prepayment invoices when they are posted. You must enter a code in this field if you want to use prepayments for sales.
        17. .Posted Prepmt. Cr. Memo Nos. Field: Specifies the code for the number series that is used to assign numbers to sales prepayment credit memos when they are posted.
        18. Direct Debit Mandate Nos. Field: Specifies the number series for direct-debit mandates.
  1. Fill in theBackground Posting FastTab,
        1. Post with Job Queue Field: Specifies if your business process uses job queues in the background to post sales and purchase documents, including orders, invoices, return orders, and credit memos. Select this check box to enable background posting.
        2. Job Queue Priority for Post Field: Specifies the priority of the job queue when you run it in the context of background posting.
        3. Post & Print with Job Queue Field: Indicates if your business process uses job queues to post and print sales documents. Select this check box to enable background posting and printing.
        4. Job Queue Priority for Post & Print Field: Specifies the priority of the job queue when you run it in the context of background posting.
        5. Job Queue Category Code Field: Specifies the code for the category of the job queue that you want to associate with background posting. Job queues of this category only run jobs of the same category. This acts as a filter to help optimize the running of job queues.
        6. Notify On Success Field: Specifies if a notification is sent when posting and printing is successfully completed. Select this check box to have a notification sent to the My Notifications part.

Do You Need More Information?

Current Vertex customers can access reference information and help files here. If you are unable to find what you need here, contact Vertex Support:


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