

Accounting/ Gross-to-Net Systems FAQ

Accounting/ Gross-to-Net Systems FAQ

What are the Gross-to-Net systems  standard to Client Payroll Manager (CPM)?

  • ADP
  • CMHC
  • CSI
  • Paychex
  • Payco
  • Peachtree
  • Quickbooks
  • MAS90
  • Vertex Financial

What if we use a payroll system that is not standard to CPM?

Payroll services not in this list can be supported through the creation of custom reports that export gross pay data in a file format acceptable to the system in question. These reports must be custom designed on a per-agency basis. Systems for which we have built custom exports include:

  • ABRA
  • ADP – NY Wage Detail
  • ADP custom exports when the built-in ADP format is not acceptable for a customer.
  • PayChoice
  • Payroll Link
  • Payroll Network
  • Paycor

If I re-post a batch that has already been posted once in Client Payroll Manager, can this lead to problems like double-paying people?

Posting the same batch multiple times out of Client Payroll Manager is allowed and does not, in terms of Client Payroll Manager’s reports, indicate double payment. Once a batch is posted, reposting it does not re-record the work, time and pay values in Client Payroll Manager. So if the question is limited to the perspective of ‘Does re-posting have negative ramifications on Client Payroll Manager’s data?’, the answer is no.

However, reposting a batch will recreate the export file for import by your payroll system and, should that information be re-imported to your Accounting/GTN system it is possible that you will end up double-paying people.

What value is used to identify an employee when posting to Accounting/ GTN system?

The alternate employee number.

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