

Add a New User to Vocational Time Manager, Intuition Touch and Billing Manager for customers without Case Manager

Add a New User to Vocational Time Manager, Intuition Touch and Billing Manager for customers without Case Manager

Users who will enter vocational time records via Vocational Time Manager and/or Intuition Touch need to have first been added as a Person/User in Vertex Case Manager as directed in Add a New User to Case Manager. An Intuition license is required if the user will use the Vocational Time Manager application known as Intuition and/or Intuition Touch. If you use Vertex Case Manager, the user should already have an account that will be used for Vocational Time Manager/Intuition Touch and Billing Manager.

Vocational Time Manager/Touch/Billing Manager User Setup

  1. Login as the Intuition Administrator. The administrator login for Intuition provides access to the organization set up as well as user set-up.

  2. Choose Configuration from the bottom left side panel.

  3. Select Manage Users– The users that have been set up in Rehab Management are displayed.
  1. Edit the user by clicking the Pencil icon to the left of the user’s name.
  2. Select Register User. register user
  3. Enter an email address, password, and password confirmation. Passwords must be at least 7 characters long and can include and combination of numbers and letters.

    register user (2)

  4. Click OK. A confirmation message appears. The user’s information page appears.
  5. Select the Application Role for this user. Options are:
    • Billing Coordinator

    • Case Manager

    • Director
    • Program Manager
    • Provider
    • Vocational Supervisor
  6. Click Save in the lower-right corner.

  7. Logout as Administrator.

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