

Working with Case Manager People Groups

Working with Case Manager People Groups

Creating the People Group

  1. From the Menu, select Admin | Intuition | Staff | People Groups.
  2. Click +(New) to add a new group.
  3. Enter a Name for the group and select Public if the group can be used by anyone.  
  4. Click Save and Close or Save and New if you’d like to create another group.

Adding Consumers to the People Groups 

  1. From the Menu, select Admin | Intuition | Staff | People Group Entries.
  2. Click +New to add a person to a People Group.
  3. Select the People Group you are adding the person to.
  4. Select the person for the group.
  5. Click the drop-down arrow to the right of Save & Close to select Save & New if you are          entering multiple people to the people group.  Each person must be adder one at a time.
  6. Click Save & Close when you have finished adding people to the group.
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