


CPM – vacation calculation is incorrect

CPM – vacation calculation is incorrect


User will need to review the Job and Step setup in CPM. 

  1. CPM | Job/ Activity Setup | Select Job | Select Step
    1. Review Pay Code – is it setup up for vacation?
    2. Pay Option – Productivity, Average Hourly Rate, Guaranteed rate or Pay type calculation (vacation)? vac
  2. If pay type or pay option is incorrect
    1. Close the current step with last date paid
      1. If step is new but need old one do not close.
    2. Add new step with new step number
      1. select the correct pay type and option
      2. set the prevailing/ guaranteed rate if required
      3. Click Save
    3. Employee Setup | Select Employee | Wage rates
      1. if pay type is average hourly or method calculation (Vacation); then the rate will need to be setup in Employee Setup to pay.
vac rate  
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