Understanding the CSDR Log – Create Service Delivery Validation
Case Manager is part of an integrated suite of solutions that continuously share information. One of the background processes, Create Service Delivery Records (CSDR) is the process that creates the service records you see in Case Manager from Vocational Time records created in Vocational Time Manager/Touch.
Occasionally, a record the process is attempting to create or update cannot be completed due to the status of one of the records. When this happens, an entry is created in the CSDR Error log.
To view the log, from the Menu, select Admin | Vocational Time |CSDR Error Logs. An entry in the log is letting you know that something you might be expecting to have occurred did not. In most cases, the errors will stop once an underlying setup issue is corrected. Other issues are related to the editing of Service records in Case Manager or Client Payroll Manager Time Records. Below are examples of what you might see in a typical log file:
- Intuition By Vertex CSDR Errors ? 3 records with error: Payroll Branch Direct Labor does not have a default Location
- Intuition By Vertex CSDR Errors ? 3 records with error: Service [none selected] does not have a Default Touch Activity
- Intuition By Vertex CSDR Errors ? 324 records with error: Service Record was not updated, it must be not signed or rejected status
- Intuition By Vertex CSDR Errors ? 1165 records with error: startAt is more than 5 days in the past
Explanations of the Messages and How to Troubleshoot
NOTE: In all cases, fixing the underlying issue will not automatically delete the CSDR Log entries which much me manually deleted. There is no indicator at this time that will tell you there are entries in the CSDR Log; you should plan on periodically looking at the file to see if there are any messages.
Payroll Branch Direct Labor Does Not Have a Default Location
A Default Service Location needs to be assigned to each Client Payroll Manager Branch. From the Menu, select Admin | Vocational Time | Payroll Branches and select the service location for each payroll branch listed. Once set, you should not receive this error.
Service [none selected] does not have a Default Touch Activity
If your agency is using Touch or Intuition for Vocational Time entry, the Service Delivery Code on the Job/Activity needs to map to an Activity in Intuition by Vertex – Case Management. To update, from the Menu select Admin | Program | Service and select a default Activity for the Service listed in the message. 2 Intuition by Vertex
While here, you should check any other service that might be used while entering records into Touch or Intuition. Once set, you should not receive this error.
Service Record was not updated, it must be not signed or rejected status
If a Submitted Vocational Time record has been changed in Client Payroll Manager, but the Service record in Intuition by Vertex – Case Management has been signed, the Service record cannot be updated. If the service record can be rejected, the Client Payroll Manager record will update. If the service record has been included in a Service Billing batch, you will not be able to reject the service record and no updates can occur.
startAt is more than x days in the past or x days in the future
You can set how far back, or how far in the future, you want to allow service entry. The amounts are entered in Days from the Menu | Admin |Delivery | Options. You would see the message if a Vocational Time record was entered and the Service record could not be created due to the past or future number of days.