Understanding the Main Payroll Reports in Client Payroll Calculator
Payroll Processing Reports
Payroll Edit List – Lists, by employee, payroll results for the selected batch. The information is summarized by Pay Type. The report can be grouped by Branch, Department, Employee, Supervisor or Program.
Payroll Exception – After building payroll, this report reflects possible problem areas within the payroll batch.
Time Sheet Edit – Detailed listing by employee and work date that shows the results of time entry prior to building the payroll for the entered date range. NOTE: This report shows data only for time records that are not built or posted to GTN. For a historical review, use the Time Sheet for Labor History.
Consumer Payroll Reports
Employee Earnings Summary – Creates a summary listing of hours worked and gross earnings by employee. The report can be set to only include employees who receive SSI. The report can be grouped by Branch, Case Manager, Department, Program or Supervisor. The information is selected by Check Date. The report has options to print/noprint SSI, SS#$, SS# with mask (only the last four digits show). A page break can be inserted after Group By.
Employee Productivity History – Prints DOL information by employee including hours, earnings and productivity information. The report only considers time entries that have been included in a payroll batch that has been built. This report makes use of numerous options.
Job/Activity History – Prints DOL information by Job/Activity including hours, earnings and productivity information. The report may be run in a detail or summary format. It also may be grouped on Employee Branch, Job Branch, Department, Supervisor or Program.
Job/Activity Short List – A simple job summary report. Information given is branch, job, and job step. Job step information includes pay code, calculation method, hourly/piece rate, and standard pieces.
Payroll Exception – After building payroll, this report reflects possible problem areas within the payroll batch.
Time Sheet Edit by Employee – This report is similar to the Time Sheet Edit report. This report is portrait in orientation, has the option for grouping, and then is grouped by employee, and job step number. The information included is total hours, total pieces, total earnings, productivity percentage, average rate, productive hours, productive hours average rate. NOTE: This report shows data only for time records that are not built or posted to GTN. For a historical review, use the Time Sheet for Labor History report.
Time Sheet Exception – This report raises exceptions due to errors occurring in time entry. The exceptions are earnings out of range, productivity rates out of range, no time records, hours per day (8) exceeded, hours per week (40) exceeded, inactive employee with time records and benefits exceed accrued amounts.